chapter 21

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POV: Bella

me and Egypt were still on the call when Iona left and we were just talking and catching up on stuff and also just doing homework together and giving each other answers and ect.

I had just got out the shower and was right now I was just brushing my teeth and washing my face since it was about night time and of course time for me to get some beauty sleep. I turned on some music on my phone and danced a bit as I brushed my teeth. Soon seeing a text from Egypt saying good night I smile and heart it before wrapping a towel around my wet hair.

I hung up the phone not to long ago only about 30 minutes ago because I was getting tired and so was Egypt but we planned to call each other later after we took our beauty rest, but before I could even lie down after getting done with my night routine I heard knocking at my door.

My mother wasn't home and was out on a date with another guy which was sucky but also good seeing I didn't have to worry about hearing her and some guy she got off the club or a dating app fuck. so seeing she wasn't here I just went downstairs without any worries of seeing her down here. looking through the peep hole and seeing Iona I smile and instantly open the door.

"we were supposed to meet on the weekend silly!" I said with a giggle but It quickly stopped as I saw Iona crying. what the hell?

I bring her inside and hug her closing the door with my foot, "what happened love?" I said my voice laced with concern as she cried into my shoulder. I frown seeing her in such a state, it was rare seeing her like this especially just out of nowhere.

I bring us both up the stairs and into my room, and set her on the bed before laying down with her and holding her tightly, "do you want to just cry it out and then we can talk about it?" Iona nodded with small sniffles it soon turning into sobs before snuggling into my neck and crying her adorable eyes out, I just held her close and ran a comforting hand along her back.

for what I do know before she hung up the phone with me and Egypt she was just doing some files for her father, so was it related to that? what happened in that damn office that made her like this? did someone touch her? did someone threaten her family or something?

I let out a deep sigh as my mind kept racing with all of these bad thoughts, I run a hand through my hair before saying some encouraging words for the crying Iona letting her know I was here while she was crying out her heart to me.

after about a good half and hour Iona had stopped crying and settled down with just small whimpers and sniffles. I bet she had the biggest headache right now.

I continue to rub her back and make sure to keep a close eye on her face for any discomfort she might be feeling from my touches, that's the last thing I would want to do especially when shes in this kind of state.

"do you want to talk about it now hm?" Iona nods slowly wiping her nose which I corrected with grabbing a tissue and wiping it with that instead, and then also cleaning the hand she wiped her nose with. I then threw away the tissue with the trash can that was right beside my bed.

she then sighed before mumbling out, "I had went to my father's to drop off his files he wanted me to give him..." she said wiping her stray tears her voice a bit shaky, I nod and continue to rub her back.

"and my brothers were there.." she trailed off, I let a scowl come to my face at the mention of her brothers, I met them before when meeting Iona's father with my mother and their first impressions obviously told me their pricks.

"mhm go on baby you can do it" I encouraged still rubbing her back with a smile, Iona smiled weakly back before mumbling, "they just got on my nerves like usual, hector kicked us out for fighting and then they told me they know about you two, you and Egypt, they said they would tell him you know what he would think if he finds out I'm dating you and Egypt? fuck we haven't even got married yet and my life is already crumpling down on me..."

I sigh before kissing her temple and holding her closer to me, "even if they do tell, I will always be by your side no matter what Iona, your father won't even be able to do much seeing your going to be the future chair woman of all of his companies world wide, plus your his daughter though he may seem like he doesn't love you trust me he does and he always will, there's not much to worry about okay? now all I want from you are smiles and rainbows okay?" I said and kissed her lips, she kissed me back before nodding, "okay, thank you Bella seriously" she said before hugging me tightly I hugged her back just as tight if not tighter.

"are you going to tell Egypt about this anytime soon?" Iona looks down shamefully and shakes her head which made me sigh, " you cant keep secrets from her forever, one day shes gonna find out Iona" I said slightly scolding her. Iona sighed once more but nodded, "alright, I'll tell her the day of our wedding, everything to, not just my brothers.."

I let out a sigh of relief before smiling, "okay, well enough sob story's. Wanna watch a movie?"

Iona giggled and nodded before taking the remote from my nightstand and going straight to the walking dead series, "seriously?" Iona pouted, "what its a good series"

I rolled my eyes but let her watch it, us both just cuddling and watching the movie contently for the rest of the night before Iona had fell into a sound sleep.


Took me a lil minute to write this chapter but I'm finally done with it, also Bella is like one of the best people who you could come to for comfort🥰 but as always I hope you all have a good day/night!

||word count: 1100||

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