chapter 22

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Egypt's POV:

its been a few days since me and my girlfriends talked, and its been very boring. Trust me I have my friends but they also do have their own lives that they have to live and we can't always hang out after school, and plus the boys are getting exams a week earlier than us so their pretty much all coped up on studying for them.

but Iona and Bella have been sending me "how are you" texts and "good morning" and "good night" texts which I always love since even if their busy they'll at least find a way to text me and ask me how I'm doing.

I yawn and rub my eyes before turning over on my bed, I grab my phone and see the usual good morning texts from the both of them in the group chat we all made if we all needed to talk to each other at the same time or wanted to. It was just easier seeing we all are dating and sometimes need to text each other the same thing or something.

I text them both back in the group chat with a good morning with the heart emoji then hearting both of their good mornings before taking y phone off the charger then hopping off my bed.

I run into my bathroom and brush my teeth and wash my face before starting my shower after picking out my conditioner I had wanted to use on my hair today.

after washing my hair and washing my body I stepped out onto my carpet outside of my shower before wrapping a towel around my body and getting out the steamy washroom before going into my closet to pick out some clothes to find.

Finding a pair of clothes I liked I put them on before grabbing my white low top forces and a pair of white socks putting them beside my door before running down the stairs already smelling the delicious breakfast mama cooked.

"no running in my house Egypt!" mama yelled out sternly. I huffed but stopped and slowed my pace before sitting down in my chair.

"sorry mama" I said softly before yawning once more still a bit sleepy.

"your fine my love just no running around alright?"

I nodded with a smile and she smiled back before placing some bacon, waffles, and eggs on my plate then handing it to me.

I licked my lips and quickly ate my food after she handed me my fork.

"this food is delicious mama! thank you" mama chuckled before kissing my head and going over to the living room and setting down her plate on the coffee table, "your welcome my love"

I pout seeing her sitting in the living room, "no fair! you get to eat in the living room but I cant?"

she turned her head to me and raised a brow at me, "that's because I am far less messy than you and wont have my damn house a mess after eating one meal" she said giving me a pointed look before going back to watching the Medea playing on the show and eating her food.

I roll my eyes but go back to eating, once done with my plate I set it in the sink and wash it before going upstairs; I take my phone off my bed and watch some tiktok before getting a call from Angel. I smile and accept it.

(bold Angel)

"hey angel! we haven't talked in a minute how are you?"

I chirped to which she laughed at before replying, "I'm fine, you seem happy and its only 9 in the morning, your girlfriends sexted you or something?"

I blushed at her teasing before yelling out, "no! your always thinking of something like that get your dirty minded self somewhere else!" Angel just giggled before replying, "I'm not the one with two girlfriends you are, that means double the sexy, double the kisses, and double the sex"

I rolled my eyes, "what did you want Angel?" I giggled out, "nothing, I cant catch on a friend?" "not if your going to tease me to death" Angel just giggled once more before saying, "alright alright I'll leave you alone, just wanted to check up on you" I smiled and said back, "okay! love you angel byeee!" Angel said bye and a I love you back before hanging up the phone.

I sat up from my bed and thought for a moment seeing it was the weekend and I had nothing to do really what should I do?

I looked down at my phone tempted to call Iona or Bella but I know their both busy, Iona at work and Bella looking for wedding dresses since its coming up.

speaking of their wedding I could ask if I'm invited, I giggled at the thought of being in Iona's and Bella's wedding, now that's something I would do.

I got up and I stretched before looking around my room trying to find something to do, I looked over at my computer then over at my phone and then over at my notes for exams.

I groaned and flopped back down on my bed and pouted, "alright I'm bored, and my girlfriends are busy, life could never get worse"

I looked over at my phone one last time before picking it up then calling Iona immediately, I mean shes only working right? and I definitely can't call Bella if shes looking for wedding dresses.

(bold is Iona)

"I'm assuming your thinking and didn't accidentally call me?"

I slightly screamed hearing her voice, did she pick up the phone without me noticing?

"sorry didn't mean to scare you love"

I finally relax for a bit before saying, "no its fine and yeah I was just kind of thinking"


"you and Bella's wedding"

"are you jealous love? trust me were only getting married because our parents told us to, trust me darling we love you all the same"

"no it's not like that at all I know that of course because what would you guys do without me, but I was just thinking about being able to go? I mean I'd like to be able to be there to support you two"

Iona chuckled a bit before saying, "alright, I'll be sure to bring it up"

I nodded with a smile even though she wouldn't have been able to see, "alright can we stay on the phone longer? I'm so boreddddddddddd" I whined into the phone. Iona giggled "yeah sure, did you eat breakfast yet?"

"yeah I had some with my mom, what about you?" I said sitting up from my bed "I didn't get a chance to eat yet sorry love I'll make sure to for lunch though" I rolled my eyes, "yeah, yeah, what about Bella did she find a dress she wanted?"

"yes she did, she of course said she wasn't going to show me until you saw it also" I giggled, "as she should" I heard Iona groan and I giggled even more from her obvious annoyance in her tone. "you both are so annoying you know that right?" Iona asked with a sigh I just giggled once more before yawning, "yeah duhhhh, anyways I'm getting tired read me a bedtime story" I demanded with a laugh.

Iona let out a few words in German under her breath which I suppose would be curses but I just brushed it off before smiling, "I'm waiting~" I said in a sing-song tone before Iona grumbled under her breath and then started, "once upon a time-" before I could even listen to the rest of the story I was out like a light.


just lowkey a filler chapter but I hope you all enjoyed it anyways, next chapter will be Iona's and Bella's wedding day <3 as always I hope you all have a good day/night ! sorry for any mistakes

||word count: 1322||

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