chapter 9

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POV: Egypt

I groan hearing my alarm, "Only like 1,000 more days of hearing this alarm then I'm alarm free" I say getting off my pillow and getting into the bathroom, I look in the mirror seeing my wild curly hair even more wild, I shrug it off knowing its a normal thing that happens to my hair when I sleep, I giggle a bit of course it something that happens when I sleep cause its bed head!

 I started to look in my walk in closet and I grab a black hoodie, some brown pants, long white socks with some figures on it, my bra, and boxers, and a brown jacket to put on top of my black hoodie I'm not wearing my binder today because I forgot how much it hurts like a hurt to wear non-stop, and for the shoes I just get some black and white converse.

(a/n her fit)

I brush my teeth and look at my phone from here to there seeing if I got my normal morning text from Iona, you see ever since I first masturbated and in front of Iona which felt and was amazing, she started to give me everyday texts telling me goo...

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I brush my teeth and look at my phone from here to there seeing if I got my normal morning text from Iona, you see ever since I first masturbated and in front of Iona which felt and was amazing, she started to give me everyday texts telling me good morning, be good at school, and she can't wait to see me at the dog park, I smile seeing I got the text and I heart it. corny? maybe, do I care though? nah.

I like how she cares for me as if we were dating and when I tell you I just love how she calms me down when nervous or feeling anything else, she knows when things might bother me, or even when I'm upset, happy about something, or just any other emotion, I do notice some things she does as well, like if she's angry and tries to cool down she'll pet Goldy or run her hand through her hair, and if she's sad she'll make a very emotionless face to try and hide it, it isn't much but its something.

"Egypt! are you done getting ready for school?!" my mother calls I just roll my eyes, if she's gonna yell then I am too, "Yes mom I'm coming down now!" I grab my book bag, skateboard, phone, apple watch, and run downstairs. I smile seeing sandy on the couch my pet cat that I got on Tuesday since its Friday today I've had him for three days now, I pick him up and giggle as he purrs, "hey Mr. fluffy how are you doing today?" I ask smiling even more when he purrs I set him down, and kiss my mom on her cheek and grabbing my coffee saying a thank you and love you before I open the door and leave.

I skate down the sidewalk and take the normal turn to my school, you see I live really close to the school meaning I don't need to take the bus and I can just skate there which I love todo might I add. As I skate down the entrance of my school I see Anna and Sam and Angel all talking and laughing, I smirk wanting to scare them I get off my skate board and put it in my bag and set my coffee in the trash and sneak up behind them.

"BOO!" I yell Anna screams and holds onto Sam while Sam yelps from Anna's screams and Angel just turns around with a raised brow, I frown a bit knowing I only scared Anna, "How come you guys weren't scared?" I say looking at Sam and Angel with a pout "Because you do it every time when we don't see you first" they both say at the same time, "Well you scared me" Anna says trying to cheer me up, I smile at Anna making her smile back "hey stop stealing my girlfriend from me" Sam says grabbing Anna by her waist pulling her to her chest.

A story of a girl, who never thought they could love again.Where stories live. Discover now