chapter 6

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POV: Iona ross

I look at the text and see she turned off her phone and put it on do not disturb i frown a bit and start to text her ' darling there's no shame in it i have one to, and it's called being intersex you may already know that but just wanted to remind you that its a normal thing that happens to people at birth its nothing we can control, i hope you have a good nights rest and we can talk tomorrow at the dog park if you'd like darling'

I close my phone and start to walk out my room grabbing my silky white one before leaving my room knowing i only have a white bra and matching white boxers on.

I spot goldy and smile and pet him softly he barks happily and i laugh and shush him trying not to wake up the now sleeping maids knowing they had a long day cleaning up after goldy.

I walk into the kitchen and grab some milk and pour it in a cup putting it in the microwave. I watch as it warms it up and I grab it before it dings trying to be quiet for the maids to have a peaceful rest.

As i'm sitting on my bed with goldy petting him softly as i drink my warm milk i frown as my mind drifts off to Egypt "I really hope your okay darling" i say softly i put my milk on the counter and lay my head down goldy lays on my stomach and i groan laughing a bit at how big he has gotten. I slowly close my eyes letting sleep take me as I think about Egypt hoping she's okay and somewhat also for the blonde beauty known as Belladonna, a very nice name for sure and she's so pretty and cute looking just like Egypt I smile thinking of them both. I wonder how it's gonna be having a young blonde wife and also having a young college girl in the same household who I both love equally. I smile again, really letting sleep take me into its darkness of dreams.

I wake up to my alarm and also goldy licking my face i laugh a bit and move his face away from mine.

He hops off the bed sitting on the floor waiting for me to get up i stop my alarm i blink a bit sighing then getting up i wrap my white robe around me, going into my bathroom to do my morning routine which contains in me brushing my teeth, flossing, brushing my hair, and washing my face.

I walk out to see goldy gone, probably went to eat i guess, i open my door and walk down my long glass stairs when i reach my kitchen i see my maids already having food on the table

"good morning ms. ross we made some breakfast for you, that contains eggs, bacon, and pancakes"

I nod rolling my eyes, Seeing them checking my muscular yet thick legs "go find something useful to do girls" I say getting tired of their dirty gaze on my body.

They nod and all rush off to clean the house or talk about how good i looked this morning, i mean i don't blame them but geez have some respect for your higher ups.

I sigh and pick up my silver fork and start to dive in on my food. Once I'm done I see my plate in the sink after wiping my face with a napkin. I go upstairs to my room putting on some green dress pants with a light green button up with a white tie. I  walk downstairs and all the maids look at me as if I'm a piece of delicious food.

I put on my green boats and grab my leash for goldy, I put it on his golden collar and walk him outside.

My maids open the gates for me and let me walk out of my mansion. I spot Dave right outside and smile seeing he's right on time for my drive to the dog park. I open the door and Dave doesn't talk and lets me enjoy the ride there in peace i sigh a bit abd smile thinking Eypgt might be there.

( updated version of chapter 6 completed, I truly have no clue how I forgot to edit this chapter 😭😭 anyways hope you all have a good day/night !)

|| word count: 786 ||

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