chapter 28

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Bella's POV 

We had all already packed our bags and got ready to leave about last night just like I had said and now we were at the airport After Iona had returned the car we had rented for the trip.

Egypt had been quiet and Iona's been stressed if not worried, her father still wasn't picking up her calls or even my own. 

I hold onto Egypt's hand and she smiles though it's a fake one, she obviously didn't know how to fake a smile, I still smiled for her though and ran my hand through her curls, she visibly relaxed a little bit and leaned into my touch, still not saying a word though.

Iona came back with a water bottle in hand and also some snacks, "here my love, could you drink this water before we get on the plane? You haven't had anything all day so you would feel bad on the plane ride home

Egypt nodded slowly and she drank the water, Iona smiled and she sat down by me, "so?" I asked her and she sighed and put her head on my shoulder, "I don't know, I can't get a hold of Dave either, do you know how weird that is? Egypt's mother is okay though thank god, but Dave was the one watching over my house, hell he's the one in charge of my home when I'm gone, so why isn't he out of all people not picking up the phone?

I closed my eyes in annoyance, all of this was just pissing me the fuck off. Though I used a calm voice for Iona "I don't know baby, we'll find out what happened when we get back home, all we can do now is hope for the best" Iona clenched her jaw in annoyance, her brows furrowed and her eyes narrowed, "I fucking hate I can't do anything about it" I rubbed her back, "I know, I know" Iona turned to me before she just hugged me, I let her. I looked over to Egypt to see her staring into nothing, her nails digging into her palm.

I take her hand in my own and she looked up at me in surprise and I smiled and she just put her head on my shoulder, I sighed. I just wanted a break from everything and when we finally get it we end up getting shot at in a damn club in fucking Hawaii. her brothers have to be the most annoying little pieces of shit I have ever met in my entire life.

I rub my temple in annoyance, Soon I hear the announcement being called for planes that are ready, hearing our plane I put Egypt in my arms and take Iona's hand, I let Egypt go to walk through security and Egypt and Iona do also, I grab Egypt's hand as we walk down the little tunnel thingy to the plane.

Iona had got us first class of course, and we had all made our way to our seats. Iona by the window, Egypt in the middle, and I was at the end of the seats. 

Egypt yawned and she put her head on my shoulder and Iona looked stressed out, her foot tapping on the floor of the airplane and she was biting her lip, all while looking out the window. 

I helped Egypt put her seatbelt on since she was sleep and me and Iona put our own seat belts on. 


We had got off our plane about a few minutes ago and we were walking out of the airport, and there was Dave and Iona looked relived, she into the passenger seat quickly, and me and Egypt got in the back, "why didn't you pick up my calls you idiot! you had me worried sick!" Iona said hitting Dave multiple times on his shoulder.

Dave laughed and he had stopped her from hitting him and he replied, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, my phone was off and I didn't have time to pay the bill, I'm sorry I had you worried about me, It won't be happening again Iona" He said calmly, a smile on his face.

Iona scoffed, rolled her eyes, and turned away from Dave, she was annoyed yes, but she was also worried sick about him, though of course she wouldn't admit it.

Egypt was shifting in my arms and I looked over to see her waking up, she had woke up when we were leaving the plane then fell back asleep in the airport, and I just carried her to the car. But I guess all of her sleeping has her up for sure now.

"where are we?" She mumbled rubbing her eyes, "Dave's car" I hummed out and Egypt immediately perked up and turned to look over at Dave, "Dave!" She said with a big smile, "Well hey there" Dave said with a small chuckle.

Egypt giggled a bit bouncing in her seat, where did all this excitement come from? "I'm so happy your okay! you had us all worried!" Egypt said and Dave turned to Iona with a smirk, "so I've heard" Iona flipped him off and Dave returned it before starting up his car, "alright where to ladies?

"Iona's house" I answered, and put Egypt in her seat correctly and buckled her in.

"Alrighty" Dave said before driving away from the airport, I then pulled out my phone and texted Iona.

(bold Iona)

"are you gonna confront your brothers about this?"

"maybe, I just need to make sure my father is okay first"

"maybe he was behind it? I mean why wouldn't he answer your calls?"

"I don't know, But what happened at that club was ridiculous" 

"Of course it was. who brings people from California all the way to Hawaii just to shot up a club, and have us as their targets"

"My brothers I guess" 

I close my phone and look over to Egypt, she was looking out the window. I then turn to Iona and she was looking at her phone still to, and Dave, well he was driving while humming a song.

Iona's house was a bit far from the airport we had just left, so I wasn't expecting too get out of this class anytime soon. I rub my tired eyes. I didn't sleep on the ride to the airport, or on the plane, or in the airport after leaving the plane. I basically hadn't been asleep for the whole day. I was busy looking over Egypt and Iona, they were both a mess, Iona was stressed, Egypt was scared and also anxious about her friends, And I was beyond pissed at this point.

Who fucking brings some men to shoot up a club in fucking Hawaii? What type of petty shit is that? And it almost hit Egypt. It missed her head by a fucking inch.

"Hi" Egypt says looking over at me now instead of the window. I turn to her and smile, "yes baby?" Egypt shrugged, "Nothing really you just looked super mad" I chuckle and tickle her sides, She turned into a fit of giggles and squeals.

"s-stop-!" She squeaked out and I stopped and kissed her forehead tenderly. "I'm fine baby, no need to worry about me" Egypt frowned at what I said and she hugged me, "I don't believe it" she declared and I rolled my eyes, "why?" "because you looked like you wanted to kill somebody this whole day" I rolled my eyes once again, "and what is it your gonna do to cure my anger?" I asked sarcastically and Egypt smiled and snuggled more into me, "cuddles" She simply replied.

I smiled and played in her hair, she was such a kind and soul for no reason. I yawned and rubbed my eyes and before I knew it I was asleep.


Just a filler chapter lowkey, but wanted to make this real quick so I didn't have to worry to much about making a chapter this week.

||word count: 1317||

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