chapter 5

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                                                    (Minor smexy talk on this one 🧌)

POV: Egypt Finley

Man sure was school a long day my feet are literally dying every time I even take a step.

I open my door with my key duh of course with my key, I giggle with my thoughts
and take off my bookbag as i head in my room, i guess moms at work.

I land on my bed mhm trust me this is the life I'm gonna have one of those after school naps, and if I'm not drenched in sweat I didn't sleep good.

I close my eyes i open them back up, with a groan knowing i'm gonna need to do homework.

I open my bathroom door and turn on a hot shower i get in and sigh comfortably as the hot water touches my skin, i turn the water off and step out and grab my towel i wrap it around my body and grab my clothes on my bed i put my boxers and my freddy krueger shirt and some loose fit jeans.

I then take my macbook off my test and log into my school gmail, and start on my ELA homework, ELA homework isn't ready that hard but I don't know if it's just me but I've never done my reading logs in elementary school.

Alright anyways I start my ELA assignment after about 30 minutes I'm done with it I'd say that's a reasonable time to get done with my ELA homework.

Now it's time for math and oh I hate you so math subject, I giggled once again at my thoughts before grabbing my other notebook and my jelly pen from my book bag,

I get on my math homework and start to write down the problems and stuff on the notebook, before getting into my homework, once getting the assignment up on my computer I take out my notes. Once i sigh contently and flop on my bed after closing my macbook and putting my pen back, now you may be asking, oh what about your other subjects homework? Look just be happy I did that MATH yeah you heard me right MATH, AND ELA.

I then smile as i remember i'm getting sandy tomorrow their so adorable!

I grab my phone and see a text from a unknown number i raise my brows and look at the text 'hey its me Iona, just wanted to check on you darling'
I smile at the text and change her contact making it Iona 💞

'hey Iona! I'm doing pretty well. I just hate homework sometimes.'

I smile at seeing the text dots as soon as I send the text it makes me all fuzzy inside because she replied back immediately only people that does that for me is Angel and my mom.

'try having piles of work all day darling, also do you skip school like that all the time?'

I think i just got a whole headache imaging that pile of work on my desk, after a bit of headache i grab my phone and start texting Iona back 'i got a headache imaging that 🫡 also yeah i've been doing it with my friends since elementary school, why do you ask?'

I smile again seeing the dots again.

'Just curious, anyways you shouldn't be doing that though, it could make your grades drop, maybe I should spank you for being so bad huh?'

I blush at the text and get a bit uncomfy feeling myself getting a bit hard, look hear me out. Iona is tall hot smooth voiced and also dominant who wouldn't get hard seeing this text?! 

I see the dots again and gulp waiting for Ionas next text.

'awww, did i get you all hot darling? Your not replying'

I kick my feet like a little girl seeing this text blushing like a maniac I reply back.

'And how do you know this for sure 🤨'

I text her with giggling like a high school girl texting her crush, which is what's kinda happening but..yeah whatever.

I see the dots again smile imagining all the things she would reply with.

'Maybe I just know 🤷‍♀️ now I have a question for you are you ready to hear it?'

I smiled and then replied.

'Of course! 😜😜'

The dots then appear again

'Okay well have you ever touched yourself before?'

My eyes widen as I see the text I furrow my brows before replying back.

'uhm, no i tried but got too scared and just took a cold shower why do you ask?'

I see the dots and start to think of what she's gonna say.

'do you want to try it while i watch you?'

I blushed,  Iona Ross watching me masterbate!? I started to text her again.

'uhm idk sure?'

i say i see the dots again and gulp.

'it's alright if you don't want to darling you wont have to do something you don't want to do'

I smile she always knows how to make me feel all fuzzy inside with her kind words even if it's over text.

I then look down at my boner I didn't even realized I had, I bite my nail before replying back.

'yeah i'm fine with doing it, just don't make fun of me for doing badly 🤧'

'awww, of course I wouldn't make fun of you, I would never'

I smile at what she texted me I then reply with.

'Okay thank you!' after i sent the message i see her texting me again.

'No problem love, do you anything you want to ask or tell me before we start?'

I look at the text before replying back

'oh! There is something i actually need to tell you' i text her, i see her texting me back and start to get a bit nervous, what if she doesn't like the fact I have a dick? What if she bully's me for it?

I just lay down on my bed and bite my lip seeing her stopping them texting again.

'what is it darling?'

I sigh and start to text her back.

'i have a penis'

after i get done texting her the short message i close my eyes getting nervous and start to think of all the bad things she might say before blocking me and deleting my number off her contact list. I put my phone on Do not disturb and lay down in my bed, soon falling asleep.

(don don donnnnnnnnnnnn left on cliffhanger 😢 again 😝 anyways updated part of chapter 5 😋 anyways hope you all have a good day/night !)

|| word count: 1102||

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