Christmas special pt 1

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Iona's POV: 

today me and Egypt were going to get Bella a gift just to do so, we both know she loves going shopping but we had wanted to get her something special, seeing her family could give less fucks for her and doesn't even celebrate Christmas with her. 

as we pull up to the mall we go inside me of course holding Egypt's hand, last time I let go of her hand in the mall I look behind me and shes already on the second floor. 

"woah wait! you know those new shoes Bella wanted but they were out of stock? their in this store!" she points to it with a smile, I look over and their indeed the shoes Bella had wanted. 

"seems like a plan, you get the shoes and I'll look for a card to get her"

Egypt nods before skipping off to the shop her curly hair bouncing as she skipped, I smile at her before turning over and going to one of the small stands in the middle of the mall and looking for a card to get her, seeing one that's pink with jewels and a happy Christmas on the front of it I point to the card and say, "how much would this be?

"1.50 since its 50% off" the lady said with a smile, I nod before giving her a 20, "keep the changeI say before taking the card and walk back to the store where I last left Egypt, and I see this girl eating cotton candy, where in the living hell did she get that from??

I sigh before walking over to her I then pull her to me and say, "did you get the shoes?

she squeaked not noticing me before relaxing noticing its me and nodding, "yeah the lady is wrapping it up for us" she said with a smile. 

I nod before going back into the store, seeing she finished I got the box then came back out to Egypt to see her topping her cotton candy off with skittles, okay seriously what the hell.

I side eye Egypt for a bit before saying, "okay I got the card and we got the shoes what else should we get her?

Egypt made a thinking face before saying, "we could take her to eat and then show her the gifts after, but we have to décor the room, and then maybe have sex with Bella?

Egypt said the last part with a small blush on her face but I just chuckled and nodded, it was a good idea, it would be the best Christmas for Bella ever, and we were going to make sure of it. 


Its Christmas eve today so we were in my car in my parking lot after driving back home with all our stuff and right now were just signing her card and then putting it on her gift box. 

"ow!" Egypt yelped out, I turn my head to her only to see her finger cut I roll my eyes with a small smile before kissing her hand, "go get a bandage from my bathroom, try and make sure Bella doesn't notice you though, she doesn't even know were home right now"

Egypt nods before sneaking off, I finish the card then put it with the wrapped up shoe box before turning around then hiding it in my car. 

Egypt comes back after I finished hiding the box and she hugged me from behind before saying, "we did it!" she chirped I smiled at her before kissing her which made her blush before saying, "now we only have to decorate the room

I nod before picking her up, we both then sneak upstairs seeing Bella was in the living room watching mean girls. 

we both then grab the boxes of decorations we hid in the closet, see we had been bough these on like the first day of December since we both have been planning this game for Bella for a minute now, even since thanksgiving ever since we heard Bella on the call with her mom and her mom cussing her out for even asking her if she was going to visit her for Christmas this year. 

me and Egypt put some fake snow on the ground and then some white flowers on the bed, before switching the bed pillows out for simple white fluffy ones, we then got the being poster we made saying merry Christmas on it and hung it above the bed, seeing it was done we looked at each other proudly. 

Egypt smiled and hugged me before giving me a quick kiss then we both just stared at the room happy at the work we both did before closing the door behind us then locking it knowing Bella and her little nosy self wouldn't obey us if we said not to go inside the room. 

Egypt goes into the living room with Bella while I book us a spot at one of the dinners for tomorrow night. 

I walk into the living room to see Bell and Egypt cuddling which made me smile, Bella notices me and smiles, "hey, you guys were gone for a while what were you guys doing?

she asked with a raised brow a smile still on her face, while Egypt half asleep and slumped on Bella's chest, probably that sugar rush is finally gone and the candy is coming back to bite her in the butt. 

"just late Christmas shopping, I had to get something for my brothers and also my dad"

Bella nods before then reaching out for me and puckering her lips, I give her the kiss she asked for her herself gladly returning it and kissing me back before hugging me she bathes in my scent slightly before saying, "come down here and cuddle with us

I nod and smile before doing as told I cuddle up with them both Egypt already knocked out which made me and Bella smile. 

"shes so cute, but she seems so tired, don't tell me you two had sex in the mall

I roll my eyes, "no its just the little misfit kept getting candy out of nowhere and eating it like she cant get diabetes

Bella giggles at my comment before then coming closer to be snuggling into me more which made Egypt squeezed between us both, I lifted Egypt's head on Bella's side so she could breath a bit better before kissing her head then kissing Bella.  

"I love you two so so so so so so so much

Bella giggles again before kissing me back then saying, "I love you times infinity of that

I roll my eyes at her logic before kissing her temple then saying, "your so annoying

Bella playfully punches my stomach then says, "oh shut up"

I roll my eyes before pulling Egypt closer to me before yawning then falling asleep, Bella doing the same. 


ngl I totally forgot about Christmas specials 💀 so I wrote this one up real quick! but as always I hope you all have a good day/night! 

||word count: 1183||

(also forgot to mention ty for all of the 9k views! if I'm not mistaken its about to hit 10k which I'm very happy for, so ty you all for the support and also just giving this story a chance to read! 🤗)

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