Chapter 17

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POV: Bella

were about halfway through the movie and I look over to see Iona shiver a bit I chuckle.

I decide to leave her be and cuddle more into Egypt making her smile and play with my hair, just to tease her of course. I smirk as I come up with an idea.

"Iona why don't you join us?"

Iona looks over and bites her lips before nodding. she lays by me and cuddles into my side now both of them on my sides cuddling into me.

I'm in heaven.

I put my left hand from under Egypt and bring it over to Iona putting my hand on her thigh.

Her eyes widen before she looks at me, and raises a brow "what do you think you're doing?"

I giggle and bite my lip before shaking my head "nothing" I say teasingly with another giggle making Iona laugh and throw a pillow at me before cuddling Egypt making me gasp and try to cuddle with the two being rejected by Iona seeing she pushes me back playfully making me raise a challenging brow and smirk.

I throw a pillow at her making her gasp and throw one back at me making us go into a whole pillow fight under the surprisingly tall fort.

"Hey you two!"

Egypt says looking as adorable as ever, making me and Iona coo at her face resulting in Egypt blushing but shaking her head getting back on track, "Both of you stop and just watch the rest of the movie with me pleaseeeeee"

Egypt says with pleading eyes making me and Iona put all the pillows back in place and lay back down to cuddle with Egypt again, us both giving her occasional kisses on her face making her blush a bit as she continues to try to watch the movie. our kisses making it hard for her to concentrate on the movie.

Me and Iona stop our little kisses and just watch the movie with Egypt making her let out a sigh of relief, but not for long as I playfully tickle her sides which makes her laugh and squeal, Iona looks over and says, "I'll save you from this tickle monster!"

Iona then starts to tickle me which makes me laugh and tumble over as she continues, I squirm and laugh before saying, "Iona stop-!" I say still laughing which makes Iona smile and continue.

I gasp for breath when she finally stops, but Egypt just has a smile on her face she looks so adorable like always, and as for Iona she still looks smoking hot, I don't know how I got so lucky with these two but I'm glad I did.

I then grimace in disgust as I think about having to thank my mom about letting me meet these two in the future, but really do I have to? nahh.

nah, I'll just get her a good mothers gift this year instead. Yes, the perfect plan, I giggle at my own thoughts which makes Egypt and Iona turn my way I just smile at them, and they smile back before both cuddling into my side.

Egypt being the cuddle ball she is, snuggles more into me basically breathing in my scent at this point which makes me laugh and sit up pin her down pull up her shirt and blow raspberries into her stomach which makes her laugh and giggle as she squirms.

meanwhile Iona just watches with a smile, before joining in with me us both taking turns which makes Egypt squeal and giggle, "s-stop!" she says still squealing and squirming me and Iona just smirk and shake our heads and continue which makes Egypt gasp and giggle some more.

after our little raspberries' session, we are all three back to just cuddling and watching the movie but once it's over I turn over and say, "looks like the movies over, what are we going to do now?"

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