chapter 7 😏

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                                      (a/n The smexy time has begun 😏😏)

                                                     POV: Egypt

I wake up groaning and look at my alarm seeing that its around 1:00 in the afternoon I groan seeing that i have missed pretty much most of my day. I rub my eyes hoping its just a dream but of course it isn't, i groan again, already imaging my mom scolding me for not setting my alarm. Wait why didn't i set an alarm? I furrow my brows thinking for a second before widening my eyes.

My face heats up as i remember what i told Iona last night, "what the literal fudge cakes..." i groan out as i start to flop around on my bed and roll over trying to forget the fact that i told Iona i have a penis, "what if she doesn't like me anymore? or what if she hates me now? what if she blocked me? what if she thinks of me as a freak?" i say out loud slowly having tears go down my checks softly "well i guess there is only one way i figure out what she said..." i say groaning as i wipe some of the tears on my face.

I grab my phone, taking in a breath and see that i have 198 texts from my friends gc and 78 texts from Anna 88 texts from Sam and 169 texts from Angel I ignore all the other texts and see I have 1 text from Iona.

'darling there's no shame in it i have one to, and it's called being intersex you may already know that but just wanted to remind you that its a normal thing that happens to people at birth its nothing we can control, i hope you have a good nights rest and we can talk tomorrow at the dog park if you'd like darling'

I glare down at the text starting to actually smile for once today though still shocked by some things "she has a penis to? and she wants to talk to me!" i say happily getting up from my sitting position jumping up and down on my bed screaming excitingly "YES YES YES!!" I say smiling like crazy. finally after my moment of happiness and i call Iona smiling even more on the first ring she picked up.

(bold Iona)

"hey there darling, ive seen you read my text"

I shiver at the sound of her voice admittedly missing the sound of it. And her accent, geez it sounds so magical, and yes I may be sounding corny right now but I'm I. Love people!

"oh uh yeah! i'm sorry about just leaving you hanging like that though"

i say with a bright smile even though she can't see it.

"its alright darling, i understand it was a big thing to say to someone you just someone you met"

I smile then inhale a bit nervous to say what I want to say next.

"yeah it was....but uh, y-you have a-a penis t-to?"

I mentally slap myself for stuttering like that.

"yes i very much do darling, i'm supposing you were surprised when you heard?"

i smile knowing i'm not the only person who has a penis, of course i know people all over the world have this condition but ive never met one in person.

"y-yeah its good to know i'm not the only one i know with a uh...uhm...penis..but uhm also i wanted to know if i could meet with you later today?"

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