-29 || jisoo-

397 19 5

Why did he agree to meet Jeonghan? He didn't know.

It was dark, and Jisoo was lowkey worried someone would come out of the ally and rob him. He stood in front of the abandoned looking building, dark allies lining each side of it. This is where Jeonghan told him to meet him.

He nearly wet himself when Jeonghan himself came out of one of the allies.

"Good God, what the hell are you doing in there?" he asked, his heart pounding in his chest.

Jeonghan just smiled at him. "Sorry about that." He held a hand out to which Jisoo just stared. The blonde rolled his eyes and grabbed Jisoo's hand. "Come on," he said.

He followed. This was Jeonghan's way of making up for his asshole-ish behavior. The blonde was excited, Jisoo noticed.

"Um, where are we going?" he asked. They were going back into the ally Jeonghan had appeared from. 

It wasn't until they were in the building that the elder said anything. "I want to make things right with you. I heard from Mingyu that you're into music, so I wanted to bring you here." He led Jisoo to a door in the back of the room. It was then that Jisoo was able to hear the music. It was beneath them, underneath the house. The door must be the entrance.

"Is this some sort of illegal get together?" he asked. "I mean, this seems well hidden."

"I promise you won't get in trouble if caught down here," Jeonghan answered, holding back a laugh. "There was too many noise complaints and the owner was getting pissed off at all these random people showing up, so he moved here. This place is designated for only those who are invited by the owner."

Jisoo nodded like that made sense but was still weary. They walked down the steps and Jeonghan knocked.

"Name?" someone called from the other side of the door.

"Yoon Jeonghan."

The door opened. They were met with flashing lights, clusters of people, and loud music. It looked like a school dance with the addition of a nonalcoholic bar. A teenage club would also be a fitting way to put it. 

“What is this place? Jisoo said. He looked towards the stage where someone was singing a song he didn’t recognize. 

“It’s only open on Wednesdays and Saturdays after 6 in the evening,” Jeonghan started. “The owner lets anyone sign up online to play their own songs on stage then invites other people to watch. Most of these people are here to help him”--he pointed to the guy on stage—”and anyone else who signs up to get noticed and possibly picked up by music scouts.” 

“So this place is an opportunity for musicians who want to make it big?” 

“Yeah, that sums it up,” the blonde said. They stopped at the bar to order drinks. “I’ve been coming here since middle school. This place is owned by a college student who goes by the name of Bang Chan.”

Jisoo was watching as the guy on stage traded spots with a couple of girls who started playing yet another song he didn’t know. His head spun in Jeonghan’s direction. “Bang Chan? Like, that one guy who does those song covers online?”

“Exactly,” Jeonghan smiled. They got their drinks and made their way to a booth. “So you do like music then?” he asked, sitting down. 

“I guess so,” the younger replied. “It’s just a side thing. Nothing big.”

“What else do you like to do?”

Jisoo planned to answer the question, but instead, he said, “You’re really trying, aren’t you?” There was a fuzzy feeling in his chest. 

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