-36 || wonwoo-

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Wonwoo couldn't think straight. Everything was getting out of his control. He didn't hate it.

Unfamiliar feelings were taking over as he stared at the ceiling after Mingyu's confession. Some feelings he recognized; like relief, a sort of weight was lifted off his chest. Even though his dad was out of jail, for the first time since, he felt relaxed.

He hadn't realized how much he really needed to get that off his chest until he actually did. Maybe there was a lesson to be learned here.

Mingyu's breath were slow and steady next to him. Wonwoo didn't know how much time had passed.

"I want to ask you something," Wonwoo said.

The other male shifted. "Ask away."

"How long have you . . . uh, been interested in me?" It'd been something he'd been wondering for a while now. That and why Mingyu was so interested.

"It was a couple of weeks after you started going to the same middle school," Mingyu admitted. He sounded shy.

Wonwoo nearly choked on air. Five years. Five years and Wonwoo had not one single clue this whole time. "Why?" he choked out.

"Jisoo and his mom had just come to Korea for the wedding," Mingyu began to explain. "Ms. Hong was to marry my father. It'd only been about a year since my mom passed away. Everyoje began connecting pieces, telling stories. It was talked about in the news, articles.

"People began to spread rumors that Dad had been cheating, what with him remarrying so soon. And who know? Maybe he was, but really, I would rather not know. Anyway, you showed up in the midst of it all. I didn't know you, you didn't know me, but you still stepped up and defended me. Nobody, not even my own friends, had done that before."

Wonwoo knew what he was talking about. He'd moved to get away from rumors. That didn't mean he wanted to be thrown in the middle of more.

"They were getting on my nerves," Wonwoo said, embarrassed for some reason. "I saw how uncomfortable and bothered you were, and I didn't want to be one of the people who just there when I was a victim myself."

Mingyu laughed lightly. "I find new reasons to like you even more everyday."

The other male glanced over. Mingyu was looking at him smiling. Wonwoo still hadn't gotten used to the feeling he felt when he was with Mingyu.

"I like you," he heard himself say. He had said it before but it still felt like a first time confession. "I don't if I'll be able to love you, but I really like you."

Mingyu turned on his side so his body was now aimed at Wonwoo. "I understand," he said. "You don't have to love me. I'm perfectly content with how we are now. The fact that you like me at all makes me more happy than you can imagine."

Wonwoo turned his own body, so now they were both facing each other. His eyes flickered to Mingyu's mouth. He looked into Mingyu's chocolate eyes, then back down to his lips. Mingyu's smile didn't vanish but instead turned into a small grin. His lips were parted slightly and Wonwoo could smell watermelon gum on his breath.

Wonwoo shifted forward and gave his soulmate a soft kiss. He couldn't help it. He was overwhelmed with feelings. And honestly? He's wanted to do that for a while.

He pulled away, watching Mingyu for a reaction. He wasn't sure what to do next either. Was he supposed to kiss Mingyu again? Was he supposed to say something?

Before he could decide on either, Mingyu solved the problem. He placed a warm hand on the back of Wonwoo's neck and pulled him back towards him. Their lips connected again and the kiss deepened.

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