-51 || mingyu-

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"I have something to tell you," Wonwoo said once they were settled on the couch in Mingyu's living room.

Mingyu didn't like the tone of his soulmate's voice. He sounded almost sad and hesitant. It reminded him of when Wonwoo told him about his dad.

"It's not good news, is it?" Mingyu said.

"No," Wonwoo said. He was avoiding eye contact now by turning away and making a show of pulling his phone out of his bag. He turned it on and passed it to Mingyu.

It was a screenshot of an article that had been published a day before.

Is Kim Mingyu's soulmate, Jeon Wonwoo, really who he seems to be? The truth of his past revealed.

There was a picture, an author's name, and a date provided in the rest of the screenshot, but that was it. The article must have been deleted already. 

"Does this talk about . . .?" He swallowed a lump in his throat.

Wonwoo nodded. "It mentions everything I told you."

"But who would . . . I don't understand." He was scrambling for words. "My dad will-"

"I talked to you dad already," the elder said. "That's why I have to talk to you. He's sending me to the U.S. until we know for sure this is all settled." He held up two fingers.

"Two weeks?" Mingyu said hopefully.

Wonwoo shook his head. "Two years," he told him.

Everything he'd been working towards, crashed directly into Mingyu. It was like the wind had been knocked out of him. He jumped up and ran a hand through his hair anxiously. "No, you can't go for two years."

Wonwoo stood too. "We can call every day and I can text you and-"

"I'll go with you. I'm sure I can find work in America."

"You can't. Your dad said you would have to help settle all of this," Wonwoo told him, regretfully. He put a hand on Mingyu's arm.

Mingyu sunk to his knees and Wonwoo followed. This wasn't fair.

"Hey," Wonwoo said gently, putting his hands on either side of Mingyu's face and lifting to make him look at him. He pecked him on the lips then rested his forehead against his. "I love you," he told him.

Mingyu's heart skipped a beat. He'd bee waiting for this moment forever, and here it was. But he couldn't bring himself to say "I love you too." Instead, he regretfully said, "Do you?"

Wonwoo's hands dropped and he pulled away. He looked hurt. "What?"

"I just . . . I've been thinking that maybe I never gave you a chance to actually love someone on your own accord. I feel like I forced you into this."

"We're soulmates," Wonwoo said, like that was supposed to explain everything.

"That's just it. Before, you didn't think being soulmates determined how two people should feel. They should be able to choose," Mingyu said. He didn't mean for all of this to come out, especially after what Wonwoo told him, but he plowed on anyway. It was like he couldn't stop.

"The fact that you jist said that we're soulmates as your argument proves my point. I believe that you only love me because you're supposed to, not on your own free accord."

Wonwoo didn't look so hurt anymore. Instead, he looked mad. "Really? After everything I told you, I thought you understood," he snapped. "I am loving you on my own accord. My opinion still stands on the whole soulmate thing. The concept is still pointless but even so, I'm glad it's you I ended up with. Even if we weren't soulmates, I'd want to end up with you."

"Wonwoo, I-"

"How about this?" Wonwoo interrupted, his voice still harsh. "We'll take a break and I'll try to date other people. When I come back, and I don't love you anymore then that's that. I guess you were right."

Mingyu didn't like the idea of Wonwoo dating other people and he told him so.

"Then what do you want me to do?" Wonwoo asked. "I wish I'd known you'd doubt me." He glared at the ground. "Maybe I wouldn't have let myself fall this hard."

Mingyu pursed his lips. For a minute, he had no jdea hiw to respond to that. He was right. Mingyu shouldn't doubt Wonwoo when he was the one who approached him first. Wonwoo had willingly opened up to him. Soulmate was just a label, not a definite thing.

He grabbed Wonwoo's hands in his. "I'm sorry," he told him gently. "I know you love me. I'm ecstatic that you do, actually. I didn't mean to doubt you. I just wanted to know if you really did love me for me or if you only loved me because we were soulmates."

Wonwoo leaned into him. His anger seemed to make him suddenly exhausted. "I know." He sighed, pulling their hands to his lips. Mingyu could feel his breath on his fingers as he spoke. "I'm sorry too. I didn't mean to snap at you."

"I love you too," Mingyu said in his hair softly.

Wonwoo looked up and grinned at him. Mingyu smiled back, his heart soaring.

A few seconds later, the smiles fell from their faces. "But . . . my statement still stands. I want to prove my love to you," Wonwoo said.

"Wonwoo," Mingyu said, his heart still pounding but not for good reasons. Wonwoo shook his head.

"I still think we should take a break." Before Mingyu could protest, Wonwoo continued, "I'll be gone for two years. With how busy we'll be, the time will fly by."

"You don't know that," Mingyu answered quickly then asked the dreaded question, "Are you still going to date other people?"

Wonwoo shrugged and avoided eye contact. "I don't know, but I doubt I'll ever be able to love anyone else as much as I love you."

Mingyu didn't like that answer, but it was better than a flat out yes. "Okay. We can take a break," he agreed hesitantly. "When do you leave?"

"Five days from now," Wonwoo said.

"So I get five more days with you," Mingyu said.

"Better make good use of it," the elder grinned, glancing down at the other's mouth.

Mingyu ran a finger along Wonwoo's mouth to his jaw, down the side of his neck. He was studying everything about his boyfriend. He was sure he'd already memorized it all, but two years was a long time. There was no way, Mingyu would ever forget about him. He'd spend the next five days remembering everything about his soulmate because after those five days, they wouldn't be soulmates anymore. They'd be taking a break, becoming strangers for those two years they were separated.

Mingyu knew he would always love Wonwoo. He just hoped Wonwoo would stick to his word and always love him, too.


a/n: i'm so mean lmao. only a few more chapters now. i'm not sure how many exactly, but not anymore than 5... probably.... i honestly have no fcking clue lol

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