Chapter 3: stand up for yourself

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Lini came back to the backstage and some of her colleagues are still applauding her for this performance. She smiled and said thank you for their support, then saw Vince walking towards her applauding her. "Lini can I see you in my office for a few minutes?" Vince said taking her by the shoulder smiling. "Of course Mr. Mcmahon nothing serious?" she asked as she walked with him, wiping the sweat from her brow.

"No, I'll explain to you in my office." He said as he opened the door to his office, Lini thanking him with a smile and her smile faded when she saw Taker sitting in one of the chairs with his arms crossed. What is he doing there? Lini thought. Taker looks behind and sees the famous rookie shoving her without apologizing sooner. He looks mean like he wants to kill her and then he doesn't seem happy to be here.

"Please sit down Lini." Vince said pointing to the chair next to Taker, walking over to his desk chair and sitting down as well before taking his documents in hand. Taker remains silent, ignoring the rookie and not understanding why she is here anyway.

"Taker, you've heard of Alvara Ciadra before haven't you?" Said Vince introducing Taker to Lini, Taker quickly looks at Lini and turns his attention back to Vince.

"Vaguely" he said to Vince. Taker is still with a cold look, Lini is a little intimidated by his presence, not daring to say anything.

"Well, she's the new wrestler who since her debut two weeks ago has been doing a good job..and then.."

"Come to the point..." Taker said interrupting Vince with his speech which has no interest for Taker. Vince cleared his throat, Lini watching Taker out of the corner of her eye not liking his behavior and the way he talks to their boss. He has no respect or what?, Lini thought.

"Listen, Her character would be interesting in your Ministry, she's at a mysterious dangerous point and having a girl like her could be a good point in your storyline because she'll have a rivalry with Joanie for the title while you'll have a rivalry with Hunter. And you could improve her character if you think there is some change to do, what do you say?" Vince explained to Taker who still has his arms crossed and one hand rubbing his goatee trying to figure out what he wants. Lini on her side is very enthusiastic about it, it would be a springboard for her character and next to the Undertaker, she could also improve. Suddenly, Taker started laughing at what he just heard. Work with this rookie?

"Wait..." He chuckled before regaining his seriousness as he stood up, put his hands on Vince's desk, still looking at him with his menacing gaze. "A woman in my ministry? I'm going to be sexist but she can't be on the same level as men and then my ministry is not a women's issue."

"And why ?" She asked crossing her arms, Lini doesn't really like what he's insinuating, Taker turns to her looking at her meanly but goes to turn again to Vince, totally ignoring the rookie's question.

"Hey! I asked you a question!" She yells, forcing him to turn around to face her by taking his arm.

Taker shocked by what she dared to do, he steps up to her with a mocking smile, Vince tries to calm things down but Taker waves him away. Lini does not like to be despised and does not tolerate being seen as weak. She's not afraid of Taker or anyone. Who does he think he is?

"First you don't touch me and then I said you're too weak to be in my ministry." he said, looking her in the eyes spitefully.

"Because I'm a woman?" she asked with a nervous giggle, determined to show him that she's not what he thinks.

"Indeed rookie" He says laughing, Vince looks at them, he didn't think it was going to create tension even if it was Taker.

"Let me prove you wrong! I've had horrible things in my life and it's not a big guy like you who is going to call me weak." She said looking at Taker with clenched fists wanting to prove him wrong. Taker still looks at her with a smirk and lowers his eyes and returns his gaze to Vince still with the most terrifying smile.

"Ok rookie, if it's your will, welcome to the Ministry, I advise you to be ready." he said to Lini in a voice so intimidating that her legs shook. Taker glared at Vince one last time before heading for the door.

"Don't be too hard on her." Said Vince to Taker who stops, he turns around enough to look at Vince and Lini.

"I would be me." He said smiling and leaving the office. Lini turns back to Vince, rubbing her hands on her arms in stress, her legs shaking. Vince knows about Lini's stress problem, he goes to her and tries to comfort her.

"He won't hurt you. He's just not used to working with a woman. You'll be fine."

I Hope. Vince thought.


After the show, Lini returns to her hotel room, orders food from room service, it will be a bowl of rice with fish tonight. After her shower, she puts on a bathrobe and sits on the bed to start brushing her long black hair. She was still thinking about what Taker had told her and she was very afraid of what was going to happen to her. She hears someone knocking on the door of her room, she goes to open it then finds herself face to face with Paul Bearer, Taker's manager who smiles at her friendly.

"Good evening Lini, if I understand correctly you will soon be at the Ministry?" asked Paul. He seems very nice, unlike Taker, he seems like a friendly and smiling person. "Yes, that's true, Paul. To be honest, I'm a little scared of what's to come." she confides in him. Paul hands her a piece of paper with an address written on it, she gently takes it from him and reads it.

"You should join us at this address every Tuesday,Wednesday and Thursday evening " Said Paul with his hands behind his back. Lini looked at the address, 58 Victory Street, Houston, TX. "It's a place where the Ministry trains, Taker asked me to tell you not to be late. He's not used to working with a woman and so are we, but don't worry, Everything will be fine." He told her, reassuring her as best he could. Lini watches him go, she looks at the address where she has to go. She hears her phone ringing, she goes back to her room, puts the paper on the bed and picks up..

"Hello" she said sitting down on the bed. "Hi Lini, it's Will" Lini is very happy that Will is still at home. Will was Josh's best friend, since Josh's death, Will has always been there for her, he's a very good friend.

"How are you?" He asked to his friend "I'm fine, how is Agnes?" she said smiling, very happy to have him on the phone.

"She's fine, she's been sleeping for five minutes. She asked me to tell you that you had a great match. Are you coming back tomorrow?" Lini gets up, goes to the window that looks outside. "Yes...and there will be a change in my professional career..." she said with a sigh trying not to sound shaky. " Really ? a good change?"

Lini holds back her tears, she doesn't know if this will be a good change. Agnes may be happy that her mother is working with her idol, but she knows she will have to work hard to earn the respect of gentlemen. It's the first time she's going to work full time with men and they don't seem to like it. Especially to Undertaker.

"I'll explain tomorrow... good night." Lini says then hangs up. Sitting on her bed, thinking about her character's future. A tear gently slides down her cheek wondering if she made the right choice to accept to be in the Ministry. Will Taker be patient with her? Maybe she overreacted to what Taker said, she doesn't like people thinking she's weak because she's a woman. She created this character of Alvara Ciadra to give her back her confidence and show that she can be strong. She doesn't want to show that she's afraid of Taker and she's determined to show him.

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