Chapter 68: A birthday goes wrong

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" Dad ! Lini! get up!" Lona shouted early in the morning going to wake them up, it's a big day today, it's Lona's birthday who turns 6. Mark rubs his eyes trying to wake up while that Lini has already opened her eyes hugging Lona and wishing her a happy birthday. Come on wake up!" She cried when she saw her daddy falling back to sleep on his side, she jumped on him and gave him lots of kisses. "Yes, I'm awake" he said half asleep in Sitting up, hugging her and wishing her a happy birthday. They get out of bed and go into the kitchen followed very closely by Lona who is in a very good mood today. Agnes joins them singing happy birthday to Lona hugging directly while their parents prepare the big breakfast.It will be egg bacon for Mark, Pancakes for Lini and Agnes, and a mix of the two dishes for Lona.


In the morning, they decorated the whole house, especially in the garden where the birthday party is going to take place, the weather is nice outside today, Mark decided that they were going to party outside. The balloons, the setting of the table are done, it only remained to make the cupcakes and the cake that everyone helps to make. They had fun cooking, the kitchen was a mess but it was Mark who started putting chocolate on Lini's cheek, Lini got revenge by putting Mark's head in flour and an egg fight and the flour exploded. They had lots of eggs and flour on them, they laughed less realizing the state of the kitchen. "Okay, I'll clean up," Mark said, denying that Lini was the one cleaning up when he started. He kissed Lini on the forehead before she got the girls ready before the guests arrived, he cleaned the kitchen before going to change.


Guests arrived, many people Lona and Mark know, family, friends, Lona's cousins, even the whole ministry came. Everyone brought things for Lona who was spoiled with toys, she is very happy with her birthday. Young and old enjoy the sun and the swimming pool, Lini met Mark's family, laughed with Mark's brothers who are all nice. Mark and Lini didn't hide from anyone to show they were together, having fun together in the pool, giving each other a little affection. A good day is just beginning for them.


It's a big day for Rodriguez as he prepares to solve the Josh McClay case, he received the test results and was quick to bring a few men with him to arrest the now safe suspect. he is. He was the one who killed Josh and tormented Lini. They get out of their police car and go to Will Rifte's apartment, they take their gun in their hand and Sergeant Rodriguez breaks down the door with his foot. "Police!" Rodriguez shouted into the but empty apartment. the apartment is empty, looks like the apartment has been empty for a long time. "Nobody, boss." Said one of the agents to Rodriguez, suddenly, he hears a car start and go at full speed, Rodriguez and his men run as best they can to get out but it's too late. The sergeant takes his walki talki which is connected to the police station while heading towards his car. "Here, Sergeant Rodriguez, I need backup! The suspect has escaped! He's heading downtown! Black BMW car!" Rodriguez said on the talki knowing there will be a lawsuit.


Lini is in the kitchen baking Lini's cake when her phone rings. "Hello?" She picked up the phone, wedged the phone between her shoulder and her ear, and continued to put the candles on Lona's cake. "Lini, it's Will, don't say anything, listen to me. I wanted to tell you that I'm leaving the state of Texas, don't ask me why I'm doing this. I also wanted to tell you that I always loved you , since the first day I met you. I so wish things were different between us. " Will said through the phone, his voice like he wanted to cry, it's like he was saying goodbye to Lini. "Will..what's up? Tell me." She asked, not understanding why he was saying that, she looked ahead and saw in the distance that Mark was walking towards her, wondering who she was talking to.

"You will know soon enough, I love you, never forget that." Said Will before hanging up on her, she looks at Mark who has arrived, starts to stress thinking that if Will leaves the state of Texas, it's because he has something to blame himself for. Mark walks around the counter to hug Lini, frowning, wondering what's wrong with her. "Are you okay darling?" Mark asked Lini before kissing her on the forehead, she hesitated to tell him. She doesn't want to ruin Lona's birthday by telling Mark that Will called her to tell her he was leaving Texas.

"Mark..Lini..!" Called Paul who is in the living room, Mark and Lini make their way to the living room and stop when they see the live TV news with a "Race chase" banner. "Will Rifte, the number one suspect in the case of the police officer killed in front of a store two years ago, has been trying to outwit the police for a few hours in the city of Houston..." says the journalist, Lini has tears flowing in seeing this then felt that Mark suddenly let go. She sees him heading for the front door, she tries to stop him but he doesn't listen to anyone but himself. "Mark, where are you going?" She asked trying to hold him back before he got into his car. He jerks his arm away from Lini's hands before glaring at her, unable to control his rage.

"Don't hold me back... Let me go!" He yelled at her, taking his car keys, the guests and the children watching what is happening in front of the house. "Mark, don't do that! please! Let...let the police do their job!" She said with tears streaming down her cheeks, not wanting Mark to do something that would ruin his life, she once again tries to force him to go home. "Damn! I told you get off me!!" He cried before releasing his arm from her but he didn't realize that she had tripped due to the strength he had. He got into his car. then leaves at full speed under the eyes of everyone. Lini is picked up by Paul and some guests, Lona and Agnes worried go to see Lini wondering if she is well. "Dad is going where?" Lona asked worriedly, Lini picks up her keys which are in her pocket before turning to Paul. "He's going to make a mistake, Paul..stay with the girls.." She says before running towards her car to catch up with Mark before he does biggest bullshit of his life.

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