Chapter 29: Move in

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The rest of the night went well, she had a good laugh when Austin who had been drinking too much, wanted to fight Taker but fell when Taker pretended to get up. Taker and Lini talked a lot, laughed, learned about each other; it did him a lot of good to go out and more surprisingly, she noticed a gleam in Taker's eyes as if he wasn't really the man she had known anymore. The man behind.

A photographer was inside taking pictures and Lini asked if she could have one with Taker for her daughter. Taker gave his address to the photographer to send by mail.

The evening ends, Taker accompanies Lini to the hotel, he spends a pleasant evening with her even if Hogan wanted to do drama just for a stain. They stopped in front of room 577, Lini's room, she still has her hands in Taker's hands, she feels so good in his presence as if she admires him.

"Thank you for accompanying me Lini."

"Thank you, Taker."

Lini smiled at him before he left her, she went back to her room, her hand on her heart feeling that it wasn't beating as usual, as if she were in love. Her feelings were closed when Josh was murdered, she vowed to herself never to open her heart to anyone again. But her heart has chosen otherwise, feelings begin to arise for the man with whom she had more trouble.


Sergeant Rodriguez receives full video from the store's surveillance camera across from the garage where the theft took place. He drinks his coffee watching the video carefully, he frowns when he sees something suspicious at 5:30 p.m. He sees the famous black van leaving the garage quietly, he stops the video, and zooms in on the driver. The driver's face is obscured by the sun visor but he can see the employee's name which is "Rifte". Where is he going? he wondered. He advances the video to where Will returns to the garage an hour later but without the van, clutching his stomach and looking like he was mugged. He looks in the reports that the police officers who were at the garage to question then sees that what the mechanic said matches the videotape. Then Rodriguez had a thought...Why didn't he report it to the police ?.


On the way back, Lini sleeps in the car, she had a good evening yesterday that she didn't bother to check if she had any calls yesterday. This morning when she woke up, she noticed that she had received calls from Will and the stalker's number.

Lini wakes up when the car stops, she pulls her bag out of the trunk and runs to the front door to see her daughter who she has missed so much. Lini follows the cheers of the children heading for the garden, she sees Mideon and Viscera talking on the terrace and the children are playing together in the garden. At the sight of her mother, Agnès rushes to her mother and gives her a big hug.

"I missed you mom." Said she very happy to see her mom again, hugging her. "I missed you too honey." She says very happy too, looks at her after breaking the hug with a beautiful smile. Agnès looked at Lona who was playing ball then she looked at her mother.

"Mom, can we stay here?"

Lini looks behind her enough to see Taker undoing his shoes, Agnes looks much better here playing with someone than being home alone and then Josh's murderer will never know she's there. And then there's Taker to protect her just in case. Lona approaches Lini and gives her a hug before seeing her daddy. Lini looks at her daughter again.

"I...I'll tell Taker if he doesn't mind, okay?" She said smiling at her daughter after thinking for a long time.

"Okay, can I go play?" she politely asked her mother. Lini nodded smiling before giving her a kiss on the forehead, as soon as Agnès leaves to play ball while waiting for Lona, Lini looks at Taker who is talking to her daughter but Lona turns around, her sad look returning to play outside wondering what what he said to her to make her sad. Taker smiles sadly and picks up his bag to put it away.

"Taker?" She said approaching slowly towards Taker who takes out his things to put them in the machine later.


"Can you still put me up?"


Taker has accepted that she stays at his house for a while as he had promised, Agnes is very happy that she stays at her idol and to play with her new friend. Lini insisted on cooking dinner tonight as a thank you, so she went shopping to get some ingredients for tonight.

As soon as she got home from shopping, she started to prepare the potatoes with the help of Paul, Paul and Lini talked a lot during the preparation. Paul told her that it is important not to disturb Taker when he is in the basement. He explains to her that for some time, Taker has been very distant with his daughter since his wife and son left, he doesn't pay her any more attention than he used to. At each dinner, Taker hardly ate in the living room with his daughter, he ate in the basement. But what is he hiding? she wondered.

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