Chapter 21: Heartbreak

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As the days passed, Lini received more and more threatening letters and suspicious phone calls. Will tries to be more and more at her house to protect her from this madman, despite the police patrols gravitating around Lini's house, the psychopath always manages to be discreet as if he already had a head start on the font. Despite all this, she has become very close to Will who always takes good care of her. Lini's training at the hangar is going better, the relationship she has with Taker is better even though he is still tough about certain things. Strangely, she feels safe with him.

Tonight she agreed to go out with Will since the time he protects her at home, she agreed to go out with him as a thank you. She gets ready by putting on a pretty dress and a bit of makeup before going downstairs to join Will near the door. Agnès' babysitter is already there, she knows what to do, she has been babysitting Agnès for a long time.

They go to the movies then they go bowling, they had fun together. Lini only gained a point ahead of Will, the loser had to offer the winner a drink. It did Lini good to go out tonight, there were no questionable calls, no threatening letters, nothing to spoil the evening.

When Will walks Lini home, he is now confident that he can take the next step with her. He did everything, flowers, gifts, he stayed there to protect her, he was sure of his feelings. They walked up the patio steps to the front door, looked into each other's eyes, Lini's hands are in Will's hands.

"It was a good night." He said looking at her almost lovingly, Lini smiled at him. "Yes it was."

Will licks his lower lip, a little stressed to reveal his feelings to her, he rubs his thumbs on the back of her hands. He lets go of Lini's hand to put his hand on her soft cheek, leaning forward before kissing her tenderly. She is shocked by this sudden kiss from Will, he controls the kiss for a few seconds which seemed like an eternity for him. Lini put her hands on Will's chest before breaking the kiss. She bites her lip, looking down at the ground before looking at it sadly because she knows she's going to break him, Will's hands still on her cheeks.

"Will...You're a good guy, you make me laugh every day, you lift my spirits every moment but...I...I don't feel the same as you...I don't. I have brotherly feelings for you...I'm sure you'll find someone who can love you."

Will can't believe his ears, he suddenly lets go of Lini's face, turns around rubbing his face trying not to get angry. Lini is rubbing her arms, very embarrassed and sad to have hurt Will. He turns to look at her, his eyes are on the verge of tears, angry, heartbroken. She had never seen such anger in Will's eyes as he is tonight.

"It's him ?" He asked giggling nervously, rubbing his hair trying not to explode in rage. Lini looks at him with fear and incomprehension.

"Who ?" She asked not knowing who he was talking to her about. "Taker, what does he have more than me? he who made you miserable! he who never believed in you when I supported you all the time!" He shouted full of rage inside him, looking at her dangerously when Lini was against her door scared of what he was going to do.

"Taker's just a co-worker Will..." She said trying to get closer to him but he backed up and put his hands against the patio railing.

Lini went to touch his arm to comfort him but he backed away so she wouldn't touch him. Tears run down his cheeks, he passes in front of Lini, gets into his car, starts the engine before driving off at full speed. Leaving Lini alone, in front of the door of the house.


The night is Taker's best friend, everything is quiet, everyone is sleeping, no one can tell him anything. He's in the kitchen with just the small lamp that illuminates the table, sitting on a stool drinking his bottle of whiskey. He wipes his mouth with his forearm before looking at the articles that talk about the investigation that talks about the policeman. He carefully looks at the self portrait of the man who argued with Josh before he was killed by the police in 97'.

He rested his head in his hand trying to think who the suspect might be. Lini's friend?, a colleague? a neighbour? everyone can be suspected, any man who has stranded hair, a thin face with a beard. His gaze goes to a photo frame placed on the table in front of him, it is a photo of his marriage with his wife, he takes the frame in his hands, looking at his wife who was smiling at life.

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