Chapter 35: A day to swim

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The next morning, Lini wakes up slowly, the June sun caressing her face through the curtains. She rubbed her eyes before getting up to draw the curtains and open the window, she goes to the balcony and looks down. She sees the girls already dressed helping Taker set the table for eating in the garden. She frowned wondering how long she slept, she looked at the alarm clock and saw 11.30 am. She slept a long time that night, she is surprised, she looked back at Taker who was cooking sausages and steak in the barbecue.

She decided to join them downstairs slowly, her head still aches a little since Monday but she thinks it will be fine. Lona, who had left, was looking for ketchup and mayonnaise in the fridge, sees Lini coming down the stairs, rubbing her eyes. She smiled and gave him a hug when she came down the last step, Lini carried her and joined Taker and Agnes who was outside.

"Oh the marmot finally woke up" Taker says smiling when he sees Lini, Agnes goes to her mother and says hello giving her a big hug. Lini sits down at the table and pours herself a glass of orange juice before eating. "Why didn't you wake me up? I slept a long time" Lini said still surprised at what time she woke up. "We let you sleep, you needed it." Said Taker putting the steaks and sausages on a plate before putting it on the table.

Lini needed a rest due to her violent blow to the head, she is happy that Taker took care of Agnes, he put her in very nice yellow overalls with a blue shirt, black shoes. Lona looks more and more happy than she ever was in the beginning, she has her daddy's attention talking to her about what they can do during the day.

"Oh mom! Undy is okay with us coming to your training tonight!" Said Agnes enthusiastically, Lini looked at Taker who nodded at her as he swallowed his beer. She had forgotten that tonight they go to the hangard to train, Lini smiled happy that they came with them. "And so we could eat outside after training, what do you say?" Asked Taker while eating a piece of his juicy steak, the girls are excited about eating in a good restaurant. "Why not?" She said smiling at Taker.


After lunch, Lini goes to shower while Taker and the girls clear the table. Lini dries her hair, feeling she's going to have a good day once again on Taker's side. She doesn't know why she's really starting to like being by his side, when she looks at him, she feels she's safer with him than with anyone. And besides, Agnes is better here than being alone at home, here she is having fun with Lona and doesn't seem to be bored.

She puts a white tank top under her short yellow overalls, white socks with white tennis shoes wanting to be dressed like her beloved daughter. She went down the stairs before seeing the children and Taker having fun in the swimming pool.

The weather outside was warm enough to swim in the pool, Lini has always been afraid of water whether in a swimming pool or in the sea since she almost drowned when she was a child. She never learned to swim because of it and it's a shame for her.

She sits by the pool after undoing her shoes and socks watching them having fun, she could see how happy Agnes is here, she has never been happier than at home. She looks at Taker and smiles instantly when she sees him with the kids, but she keeps wondering why Taker suddenly changed his behavior towards her, he doesn't call her "Rookie" anymore, he doesn't provoke her anymore, they hardly argue anymore. Maybe he finally considers her as an equal? Or is he playing a role in front of the children? she doesn't know how to understand this man, is he bipolar?

Agnès saw her mother by the pool enjoying the sun, she was swimming towards her mother. "Mom, come into the water!" Agnes shouted at her mother laughing. "Agnès be careful daddy will catch you!" Lona shouted to warn Agnès but she didn't have time to swim when Taker grabbed her and threw her in the water. Luckily she has her armbands on. swimming pool, Lini thought. They were laughing together, Lona trying to grab her daddy to put his head in the water with Agnès. Taker let himself go, pretended to drown, Lini laughed, proud that the girls were having fun.

Lini looks into the water, feels the stress when she sees it's deep, then frowns when she sees someone swimming at the bottom of the pool coming towards her. Two hands gripped his legs tightly and Taker lifted his head above the water.

"Don't...get me in the water." She said she was starting to worry that she didn't want him to pull on her feet, so she ended up in the water. Taker could see the anxiety in her beautiful green eyes. "You can't swim?" He asked but Lini didn't say anything, she's ashamed that she can't swim because of her fear of water. Taker smiles at her and offers her his hand, Lini looks at him wondering what he wants to do.

"Don't worry, just hold on to me." He said sweetly, Lini smiled at him for the offer, she decided to trust him, she took his hand before hanging on to him when he returned in the middle of the pool joining the girls.


After having spent a good part of the afternoon in the swimming pool with the girls and Taker, Lini decided to collect things from her place. As soon as she got home, she opened her front door, she felt the house empty, full of memories with Josh, the many pictures hanging on the wall, if only the walls could talk. She went upstairs, took some bags to put some of Agnes' clothes in, then did the same in another bag for her clothes. Someone rang the doorbell and she noticed it was Will, what a coincidence, she had planned to visit him later. "Will!" She said she was going to give him a big hug, it had been a long time since she had heard from him and God knows she missed him. Will broke the hug and frowned when he saw a large bandage on Lini's forehead. "What did he do to you?" He said nastily, thinking that it was Taker who had done this to him but Lini looked at him as if he had lost his mind not understanding why he was blaming Taker.

"Nothing, it's at work, I received a violent blow of chair. Didn't you watch the show?" She asked, Will looked around as if trying to see if Agnes wasn't with her, but it looked like he wasn't. "I've had a lot of work lately." He finally said.

Lini frowned when she realized something was wrong. How did Will know she was there? he followed her? she wonders. Well, it must be a coincidence. "I won't be home for a long time..." she says shyly, rubbing her arm so as not to see his eyes which seem to have changed since she gave him a rake. "...Yes I know...but watch out, there's the killer around." he warned her as he walked with her to the front door.

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