Chapter 38 : Suspect

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Lini is lying in her hospital bed looking out the window, depressing. She tried to walk on her thigh but in vain, her thigh hurts her very much, she can't even cry anymore so much that she cried this afternoon. Someone knocked on the door and she smiled again when she saw Will enter the room. He seems to be fine except for small scratches on his face from the explosion. Will walks over to her, puts the flowers on the nearby table and gives her a huge hug, glad she's okay.

"Thank God you're fine." Said Will looking at her smiling. Lini is very happy to see him but her smile fades when she thinks about her leg and then cries. "I...I...I can't fight for a while..." she cried. Will hugged her, tried to reassure her when someone knocked and it was Sergeant Rodriguez and two policemen who entered, taking off their caps. When the sergeant enters the room, he is surprised to see Will, the mechanic, the one who was assaulted during the theft of the van. They know each other? thought Rodriguez. "I'm sorry to bother you but we're here to ask you questions Miss McClay. How are you doing today ?" Said the sergeant looking at Lini, Will sits on the chair next to her holding her hand.

"I'm fine officer." Said Lini smiling sadly at her. "I would like to ask you what happened yesterday." he said looking at her. Lini stares out the window as tears well up inside her again, she inhales and exhales before speaking.

"I...I was picking things up to take back to a friend who was kindly welcoming me. As I was walking out the house blew up. Will saved my life because I think if  he wouldn't have pushed off the terrace, we would already be dead. Do you know what caused the explosion, officer?" she asked looking at the officers in front of her.

"A bomb caused it Mrs. McClay." Rodriguez said.

So Josh's killer really wanted to kill her, finish the job he started. Will strokes the back of her hand with his thumb to reassure her when he sees tears streaming down Lini's cheeks.

"I'm here Lini. We'll find him the psychopath." Will reassured, giving her one of his most reassuring smiles. Rodriguez has a bad feeling when he looks at Will, why didn't he tell him he knew Lini? Did he lies?

The door opens and Taker comes in after his meeting with Vince, he notices the police here and...that jerk to Lini. His gaze has become dangerous. He walks dangerously towards Will who is looking at Lini smiling. He feels a strong hand on his shoulder and before he can say anything, Taker's fist crashes hard on his nose, knocking Will back. The police detain Taker who is struggling to calm him down.

"You! You did all this! You psychopath! I'm going to kill you!" Taker yelled trying to fight off the two policemen holding him back and forcing him out of the room.

Will, with a bloody nose, tries to get up with the help of Sergeant Rodriguez, Lini is very shocked at Taker's behavior, she doesn't know why he accuses Will when he was there to save her.

"But... what's wrong with him?!" Said Will in pain, angry.


Taker is escorted outside by two policemen, Taker can't control himself anymore, he knows deep down that Will is the culprit. Everything comes back to him, the stolen van, the robot portrait, everything! He sits on a bench outside waiting for him to calm down.

"Guys, do your job! everything matches! by chance the portrait of the robot looks like him! by chance the son of a bitch who harasses us when he is not there! Are you going to tell me you believe what he's saying?!" Taker yelled at the police officers, still bound, sitting on the bench.

"I understand your rage, Mr. Calaway, but Will is certainly not the culprit of all this." One of the policemen said, Taker not believing his ears, he smiled nervously looking at the policemen.

"How can you be sure?" He asked. "Did you check his alibi during the murder?" fingerprinted? did you even bother to read the report the day of the murder?" The two police officers look at each other wondering if Sergeant Rodriguez did all this. Taker is fed up with having to think and do police work.

"You are a bunch of incompetents."


Will is walking down the hospital hallway after being treated for his nose injury and sees Sergeant Rodriguez leaving Lini's room but motions for Will to ask him a few questions. "Mr. Rifte, I would like to know why you didn't report the theft of the van to the police?" He questioned, raised his eyebrows when Will started to stress and get angry, but hey, it had to be because of the incident with Mr. Calaway.

"I don't know Sergeant! I was afraid, they were two and big. I don't know anything else." Said Will quite annoyed, the sergeant taking note then would like to know something else. "Where were you on May 14th 97?" look around.

"Do you suspect me?" Said Will looking at him with disgust that they dare to suspect him. "I didn't say that Mr. Rifte, you seem to know Miss McClay quite well so I was wondering." Simply said Sergeant Rodriguez. Will looks at the sergeant annoyed that he asks him this kind of question.

"I know Lini because Josh was my best friend. Since his murder, I've taken care of her and her daughter, that's all." Said Will looking at the sergeant. "Why didn't you tell us when we came to see you?" Asked Rodriguez, he's hiding something but what?. Footsteps approach them and the two men look where the footsteps are coming from and it is Taker and the two policemen who have returned.

Taker looks at Will, trying not to put his fist back in his face, Will looks at the sergeant annoyed at his day. "That was none of your business." Said Will before walking towards Taker but don't touch him, he just passes in front of him to get out of the hospital. Taker looks behind him before looking at the sergeant who is putting on his kepi. "Sergeant, trust me..Do some research on him.." Said Taker to Rodriguez who is starting to have serious doubts about Will, he looks at the giant. "Don't worry Mr. Calaway, I think the same as you..." he said before leaving with his colleagues.


Lini is still in her bed when Taker enters her room, calmed down. Lini looks at him meanly for what he did, she doesn't understand why he reacted like that when it's none of his business.

"Why did you hit him?" she asked looking at him disappointed that he had lost control of himself. "I have my reasons..." he said coldly refusing to tell her anything about his life, well not yet.

"I don't give a damn about your reasons! You hit my best friend when he saved my life! Stop helping me if it's to react like that with my loved ones!" she yells. Taker sits next to her, looking into her eyes, he suddenly takes her hands in his, stares at them, trying to stay calm too, hating the way she talks to him.

"I'm not doing this to help you Lini..I.." Said Taker still looking at their hands, he hesitates to tell her why he's so invested, why he's still in the ground but he can't. He feels his anger rising and he gets up abruptly and heads for the door to leave the room, slamming the door, leaving Lini alone in misunderstanding.


How does he know I'm involved? did he do any research? Should I eliminate him as a potential rival at Lini's heart? He wondered. Will waited at night to take his bag with the evidence against him in the case to go and bury them in the forest. The gun, the gloves, the belongings, the keys, the magazines he used for the letters, the instructions for making the bomb and the lever that was used to trigger the bomb. Everything is inside. As soon as he saw Sergeant Rodriguez's face that he didn't believe even if he didn't tell him, he preferred to bury everything now before they searched his home.

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