Chapter 42: My time

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Lini is with the doctor who is changing the bandage on her thigh before putting on the cast. She watches the matches of her colleagues while thinking of hers, she still hopes that she won't be too hurt. Agnes walked into the treatment room with Lini's phone and handed it to her mom. "Mom, it's Uncle Will!" She said giving the phone to her mom.

Lini puts it to her ear smiling. "Hello, Will?" She said on the phone. "Yes Lini it's me, how are you?" Said he happy to have her on the phone and happy to hear her. "I'm doing well, and you?" she asked in turn. "I'm fine, Agnes told me you're still going to wrestle tonight. Are you sure?" Worrying she's hurting herself. "Yes, I will wrestle but don't worry, I know what I'm doing." She said determined.

She sees Taker entered the room and walks towards her, he takes her phone from her hands then puts it against his ear. "Leave her alone!" He said on the phone before hanging up knowing very well who it was. Lini is shocked what he just did. "But why did you do that?" She asked frowning not liking what he did. Who else does he think he is? she wondered. Taker glares at her and leaves. But what else does he have? she thought.


"And here comes the next match! Chyna is going to defend her title against the dark and beautiful Alvara Ciadra!" Jim shouted into his headphones when Alvara's music started. Alvara arrives through the purple smoke and purple lights to a loud ovation from the fans. She slides between the ropes then gets up watching the fans chant her name. "Look at her purple eyes that stand out because of the black around her eyes. beautiful dark viking." King says when the camera zooms in on Alvara's face. The Corporation's music resounds with boos from the fans, she walks with her title on her shoulder quietly towards the ring staring at Alvara who doesn't take her eyes off her.

Chyna quietly walks up the stairs, walking slowly with her cast around her thigh as she steps into the ring watching Alvara. The referee tries to keep some distance between them as they approach each other, face to face. Suddenly, Alvara headbutts Chyna, who holds her face in pain. And the bell rings, Alvara grabs Chyna by the hair before planting her head against the corner. She hits her again and again before being pushed back by the referee who is trying to gain respect. Alvara backs up and walks towards the referee glaring at him to intimidate him before trying to run to drop kick her but Chyna avoids it, falling Alvara slams her head against the mat. Chyna kicks her in the back before grabbing her by the hair and slamming her head on the floor again.

Chyna lifts Alvara up by the hair and throws her into the ropes before giving her a clothesline and then provokes the fans who boo her. Chyna's back was turned when Alvara stood up, looking at her grimacing and as soon as Chyna turned around, she didn't have time to move as Alvara speared her. She pinches her but Chyna doesn't give up easily, She lifts Chyna up then throws her through the ropes. Alvara limps down from the ring, then kicks Chyna in the ribs before going to the commentary tables. She fires Michael Cole from his chair before taking the chair in her hands, smiling mischievously at Chyna who is trying to get up. "GO ALVARA!!!" Yells the kids in the front row, Alvara looks at Chyna with devilish laughter and hits her with the chair.

Alvara throws the chair down before grabbing Chyna by the hair before slamming her against the steel stairs. Alvara takes her time but Chyna lands a hard kick on Alvara's thigh where she has the cast plus the bandage. Alvara collapses screaming in pain, clutching her thigh as Chyna picks up the chair Alvara took and then hits her with it again and again. She takes the chair and locks Alvara's leg in the chair before kicking it hard, causing Alvara to suffer even more pain.

Chyna raises her arms, again taunting the booing fans before kicking her in the ribs. She lifts Alvara up by the hair before going to the commentary tables and slams her head on the table. She removes everything on the table before placing Alvara on it, Chyna climbs onto the table then lifts her to her feet. "You will suffer like you have never suffered!" Chyna shouts at Alvara before putting her between her legs and tries to powerbomb her but Alvara holds back and throws Chyna over her, falling on the Spanish commentary table. Alvara looks at the post then Chyna who is lying on the table, she walks with difficulty towards the ring, climbs the third rope, stands up. "No Alvara, it's too risky!" Jim shouted as he saw Alvara on the third string catching her breath.

She jumps off the top of the corner, it seems like an eternity before she lands on Chyna who is still lying on the commentary table. She's still holding onto her leg that looks like it's bleeding under her bandage but she doesn't flinch. She stands up then looks around seeing people fists in the air chanting her name, pride in the eyes of her daughter who is in the front row with Lona and a security guy.

Alvara lifts Chyna up and puts her in the ring before stepping into the ring. Then back up on the third string, the lights started flashing purple before diving on Chyna and pinning. 1...2.....3! The bell at the end of the game and a huge ovation is for Alvara Ciadra who is lying on the mat. "And the winner of this match and new wwf women's champion Alvara Ciadra!" Said the announcer into the microphone. "Alvara beat Chyna! What a match!" King shouted enthusiastically.

Alvara takes the title from the hands of the referee, looks at the belt before brandishing it above her head, still grimacing because of her thigh.


Taker is in his locker room, smiling at what he sees, Lini has won and hasn't let him down. He's in his wrestling outfit, the purple band his daughter gave him is below his right elbow pad, not wanting to lose it and make his daughter happy to wear it. He watches TV where Lini brandishes her title before entering the backstage.

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