Chapter 55: Two hearts revived

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Mark's afternoon was quiet, he did some crafts outside the house and cleaned his bikes before tidying up the house a bit. He took two boxes that came from the attic and began to put away the many objects and memories that belonged to Jessie, his late wife. He started in his bedroom clearing out Jessie's old things.

The clothes of his late wife will be donated to the association. He had long thought about doing it before but he couldn't do it, he was not ready to part with her things. Until now. As soon as he had put all the clothes in a box, he closed it with a big tape and then began to remove the objects that could remind him of Jessie. Each object reminded him of a particular memory, the letters that were sent to him each time he was on the road saying that he missed her and that she missed him too. With every letter she sent, she put her perfume on the letter, which drove him crazy.

In a box, there were jewels, jewels that they offered each Valentine's Day, it was their little thing every year. Jessie liked to wear white gold jewelry, which Mark remembered every time he walked past a jewelry store.

He picked up the large picture frame of their wedding that was hanging against the wall. As she was very beautiful in this wedding dress, he remembers that day, the weather was nice and warm and he had a little headache from his evening the night before. When she arrived at the church, Mark had his eyes only on her, her smile shining through her transparent veil.

He shook his head to clear the memory from his head when he felt the tears welling up. He takes the frame and puts it in the attic and puts a big sheet on it. He takes the boxes down to the ground floor and takes the box with Jessie's objects in the living room, not having finished tidying up.

At this time, Lini and Agnes come home, they see the box of clothes lying in the hallway wondering who owns these clothes. Lini knelt down and turned the box over to see if there was anything written on it. "Jessie's clothes" is written on one side of the cardboard. "Undy!" Cried Agnes giving him a hug, she looked in the living room and saw Mark with another box at his feet. Does he tidy up? Lini thought.

Lini walked towards them, Mark hugged Agnes before giving Lini a simple hug, looking at the mirror behind Lini reflecting their reflection. "I'm going to see Lona, see how she's doing" Agnes said before getting out of Mark's arms and heading upstairs.

Lini watched her daughter go upstairs before returning her attention to Mark who continued to tidy up, he took the different pictures of him and his late wife.

As soon as he had everything, he gathered the photos near the cardboard box, sat down and looked at it one last time before putting them in one by one. "I should have done this long before." He said breaking the silence still looking at the pictures. "I think I didn't want to turn the page.. I didn't want to realize what happened" He added, putting away the different photos, she understands, it's not easy to forget someone one we loved especially in such a tragic event. She hadn't put away Josh's clothes and pictures at all before her house exploded.

This separation from the memories of a life spent alongside our deceased loved ones is a very hard step, especially if it is a deceased husband or wife. She sat next to him on the floor, wrapping her arm around his as he looked at a picture of his wife with the twins and himself. The photo dates from 03.23.1997, two months before the tragedy, it was a photo of them at Wrestlemania 13 after his match.

"She was my biggest supporter, she came to every Sunday event and followed my matches on TV." He said looking at the picture, Lini leaned her head against his shoulder, rubbing his forearm with her hand gently. Mark frowned then put the rest of the photos in the box, he pushes himself slightly away from Lini to unhook the necklace he has had around his neck for two years. It's a silver chain with two wedding rings, he puts it in the palm of his hand before closing his fist.

"I had to do this if I want to move forward with you, Lini." He said putting the necklace in the box then closing it with a big tape. He gets up and helps Lini to get up in turn, their hands are still in each other, looking into each other's eyes.

 "Thank you for rekindling my heart." He said closing his eyes, resting his forehead against hers. She wrapped her arms around his neck as his wrapped around her waist. "Thank you for saving mine too." She said before kissing him on the lips.


The sun went down slowly, they are all in the living room playing a board game named Uno. Mark put on his black dress that he occasionally wears on TV on Lona so that it doesn't aggravate her illness. "If you give me a +4 card, you will regret it!" Said Mark to Lini giving him a chilling and seductive look, she smiled at him trying not to look back at him but it was hard to resist him. Fortunately, there are children. Lin thought. She places the +4 card on the pile of cards under the laughter of the children who make fun of Mark. "What are you going to do now deadman?" She asked watching her flirt with Mark without the kids realizing. Oh so many things I'm going to do to you. Mark thought. "Pick a color mom!" Agnes exclaimed to her mom in a hurry to play.

They had a good time together, Mark and Lini flirting without the children knowing. Lona, although she is ill, is having a good time playing Uno, she looks attentively at her dad and Lini who seem to be close, laughing together, discreetly looking at each other. Lona looks at Agnes who is also laughing, not seeming to notice anything strange about them. She watches her dad's hand go to Lini's knee when he asks her to choose a color. A knock on the front door interrupted the laughter and smiles, Mark frowned as he looked at the clock then went to look.

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