Chapter 26: First time

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Lini is already up, she slept very well last night, she has already taken her shower and is already dressed, ready for her first autograph session. In a very good mood today, she decided to put on some music and dance in her room while having breakfast. She doesn't even hear anyone knocking on the door so much that she turns up the volume. She ended up hearing someone knock while there was a gap in the song, she takes her coat and puts it on while dancing thinking that it's her bodyguard coming to get her. She turns off the radio and walks to the door, opens it and sees Taker, he looks freshly showered, his sleeveless black shirt showing off his muscular, tattooed arms with a black bandana across his forehead. She knows that Taker has his session autograph at the same time as hers but she wonders why he is there.

"Oh Taker! Hello!" She said in surprise wondering what he was doing here as Taker looked like he was still in a bad mood.

"Hi Rookie, can I come in two minutes or are you in a hurry?" He asked.

Lini steps aside to let him in, looking at her watch. She wonders what Taker wants, he looks calm and it's not a good sign. Taker goes to the window, his head lowered in thought, then turns back to Lini.

"Tonight there is a private party organized by Vince and he invited his VIPs who are much more famous than you and of course I am part of it. For some time now, every year I go with Paul because as you know it's he's my manager and undertaker without Paul, it's not possible..."

More famous than me? What a morron! Lini thought but she stays calm and listens intently,  closing the door quietly behind her and leaning back against it, looking at Taker who has his hands behind his back. "This year, I want you to come with me." He finally said after a long breath. She is very surprised that he invited her to a VIP party for people much more famous than her like he said. Granted, it's been a while since they've had a fight and it's a big surprise for Taker to come up with such a thing.

"Why ?" She asked. Taker slowly approaches her, looks her in the eyes, trying to be as sincere as possible.

"Because I want you to be noticed, you deserve it Lini"

It's the first time that Taker calls her by her first name, is he sincere? or does he just want to have a woman by his side? Why does he want to highlight it? Is it a trap? she does not know.

"Why are you like this with me suddenly?" She asked, still looking him in the eyes, still surprised that he offered to accompany her.

"I don't know but I think you deserve a little recognition." he said in a calm and serious voice. Lini looks at his green eyes that look so sincere, then she looks at her watch, she'll be leaving soon, not wanting to be late.

"Well... if you don't want to, it's okay, I won't force you"

He says thinking she didn't want to, he walks to the door when Lini calls him, he turns to her, looking at her.

"I didn't say no, I was just wondering if you would try to trick me." she said sincerely looking at him.

"Strangely, there is no trap, I'm not always nice and it's very rare that I try to make an effort so either you take the opportunity to be recognized or you stay at square one ."

He said honestly before leaving his room, leaving her alone in her thoughts.


She's on her way with her bodyguard for her very first autograph session, the closer she gets to the place, the more stressed she gets. How to behave? What if there is no one for her? she  does her autograph session in the same room as Taker, she knows there will be people for him but for her? she does not know.

She looks out the window and sees a long line outside the venue, with fans singing as they see Taker get out of his car and rush inside. The car parks in front of the front door, Lini takes a deep breath before getting out of the car, fans cheer and chant her name, she smiles, waves and enters.

Security asked Lini and Taker to wait before going through the door to the room, it relieves Lini to have time to breathe and not look stressed. Taker stands next to her, hears the fans chant the names, he looks at Lini who looks really stressed.

"Anxiety ?" He finally said, hands behind his back, looking ahead.

"Yes.." Lini said honestly with a little tremor.

"It's okay, be polite even if there are inappropriate questions." He says, Lini looks at him, he looks very comfortable. After all, it's normal, he's been here for nine years and he's the big Undertaker so he's used to it.

"Were you anxious during your first autograph session?" she asked.

"Honestly yes, but I decided to stay in character the whole time so as not to show. Now I'm used to it. And above all, be yourself." he said honestly.

The doors open, Taker stands behind Lini and she follows the bodyguards. Fans give Lini a standing ovation, applause, take a picture of her, a bigger ovation sounds as Taker comes up behind Lini. He looks at the people he has in the room, feeling comfortable as Lini approaches the table, trying not to look anxious.

As soon as they got to their table, Taker whispered to Lini to sit across from him, he moved a chair for her, thanked him, and sat down. As soon as Taker sits down he checks to see if the pens are working, Lini does the same before security summons the fans.

The more time passes, the more Lini's anxiety fades, she talks and laughs with people, takes pictures, she even receives gifts. She is very happy with her first autograph session, people are so nice to her. She even went into a frenzy with Taker when a guy started flirting with her.

"I don't allow you to flirt with her otherwise I will sacrifice you boy." He threatens the guy by staying in character, the guy has understood that Taker wants to be delirious so he laughs and says no with his head.

"Oh no, be nice, he's very nice." She says to Taker looking at the guy with his intimidating eyes.

"No, I wouldn't let anyone empty your heart." He said staying in character.

"One day I will have his Mr.Taker heart whether you like it or not." Said the fan trying to stay serious in front of them.


The guy laughs as he thanks Lini for the autograph, eyeing Taker warily as Taker does the same to the guy. Then ends up shaking Taker's hand, Lini hears Taker tell the guy "no hard feelings" and the guy laughs and leaves. She had a great time with her fans and with Taker.

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