Chapter 71: Judgement day

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Some months later...

They did not wait long for the trial to take place, the witnesses came to testify against Will were presented. The horrifying photos of the crime scene were presented as well as the evidence against Will who admits the facts. Mark who took a few days off to recover from some injuries came to speak at the witness bar. He looks coldly at Will for a few minutes before speaking. "You are the definition of why people should be wary of close friends, you didn't hesitate to shoot your best friend, Lini's husband, the father of Agnes when he went to get donuts at the store And the reason is that you were jealous of his success and in love with his own wife. Not only did you kill her husband but you killed my wife Jessie and my son Calvin, you don't have an ounce of guilt that reads on your face about the wrongs you did to us. You thought only of yourself and your happiness and all you deserve is to die." Says Mark before leaving the testimonial bar to sit down again next to Lini who gets up in turn. She is rubbing her nose with her handkerchief having been crying a lot.

"Five years ago, Josh made me meet Will here, told me he was very cool, friendly, funny. He took him like his brother from another mother, he helped him without ever asking anything in return." She said before pausing to try not to cry. "When Josh was killed, Will was always there for me and for Agnes, to comfort us, to help us morally. I still can't believe that the man who rocked my little girl, with whom I to rest on my shoulder when things go wrong is the one responsible for the death of my late husband as well as the wife and son of Mark Calaway. Mark always told me to be careful to whom I trust and he was right, I should have opened my eyes when he told me to beware of you. " She said before crying hot with tears before catching her breath wanting to finish what she wanted to say.

"Yes we were close Will but in no way did I give you a clue in which I wanted to have a relationship with you. You wasted your life all alone for a love that does not exist. You destroyed two families who have managed to rebuild themselves despite all this. I hate you for everything you have done. " She finishes before going to sit down again next to Mark who holds her hand directly and puts her head against his neck trying to calm her down.


When the judge has ushered everyone out of the room so the jury can deliberate, Mark and Lini walk over to Sergeant Rodriguez who was having coffee near the cafeteria. Rodriguez smiles at them and goes to shake hands with Lini and Mark. "Thank you for all the effort you have made." Said Lini grateful. "You gave me back my confidence in the police, Sergeant. Thank you." Said Mark. "I only do my job." Said Rodriguez smiling.


A few minutes later, everyone reentering the room, it took only a few minutes for the jury to have made their decisions for Will's sentence. One of the jury walks towards the judge to give him the paper with the result. "Mr. Rifte, for the first degree murder of undercover police officer Josh McClay aged 28, for the second degree murder of Jessie Calaway aged 27 and the murder of little Calvin Calaway aged 4, you are found guilty and you would be sentenced to death." Said the judge as Will looked down, saying nothing at all. Everyone in the room is happy with the pain he got. Mark smirked as the verdict fell while Lini remained silent, in tears still in shock that Will had done all of this.


Returning home, Lini decided to go to the bedroom wanting to be alone for a while, the time she digests all that has just happened these last months. "Honey, how are you? Mark asked after knocking on the door, he hasn't heard Lini since they came back from court. He brought her an orange juice which she kindly thanked by taking the drink "'s just..I need time to realize.." She said with a sad voice, her cheeks flushed so much she cried, her eyes weary from the tears she cried. Mark takes her in his arms wanting to give her some comfort "I need to haven't slept much lately..don't worry about the kids, I'm taking care of them.." He said kissing her tenderly before walking towards the door to leave her alone.

"I'm sorry Mark.." she said before he left. the time to cross the door, he turns around enough to look at her. "I should have listened to you from the start." she said crying into his hands refusing him to see her cry. Mark closes the door then sits next to her on the bed, put his hand on her knee and another rubbing her back. "I don't blame you my love. Now we can put everything behind us and live together peacefully." He said before taking her in his arms.

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