update: NOV 2022

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I just wanted to make a chapter about the hardships I've had during these years (especially this year), while trying to lose weight.

It was the fact that I actually have to do something. Like- MOVE. I have to move.
Weight won't come off by itself right?

That's the hardest part for me

Going to school for hours. I don't want to do anything after school. I might have a phone addiction which is unhealthy but it is how it is...

Not only working out but also CALORIEDEFICIT. Not starving. Just caloriedeficit. It's so difficult 😭


I don't know how I'm going to manage all this but I really hope that I finally will find a way by next year.

Yeah I know I've been telling this to myself for almost 3 years 😪

Let's hope for endurance and motivation:)

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