Chapter 50; Punishments

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A/N: Hi everyone,
A little note here. I'm not trying to defame or make the Naruto characters in to villains. I'm just trying to point out that no human is perfect, whether it be Naruto or Misa or Sakura!

The situation was tense as Sasuke's murderous intent was stronger than ever and was extremely visible in his eyes. Just as Misa expected, Sasuke was out for blood and the boy drew out his sword ready to attack Naruto.

"Sasuke!" Sakura screamed absolutely terrified about what the Uchiha would try to do.

Uchiha Sasuke attempted to stab Naruto in the back however the attack was blocked by Sai, who unlike Misa had the power and the guts to go up against Sasuke even after knowing Sasuke's actual intentions but they failed to save themselves from the Chidori which was emitted out of Sasuke's body as a current repelling both Naruto and Sai. As a result, the duo ended up fainting leaving out a frozen Misa who didn't know what to do, a petrified Sakura and a tactiful Yamato who was worried about his students' safety.

 As a result, the duo ended up fainting leaving out a frozen Misa who didn't know what to do, a petrified Sakura and a tactiful Yamato who was worried about his students' safety

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Misa knew better than to do attack Sasuke. It was obvious that he was not the same person as he was before.

He was not a kid.

He was not a friend.

He was strong and he was the enemy.

And there was one person in the team who did not realize the gravity of Sasuke's intentions and power. The person believed that she could change Sasuke. She thought she was could take Sasuke down and prove that she wasn't the weak kid from five years ago anymore. That person was Haruno Sakura who charged at Sasuke at full strength ready to attack the boy.

"Sakura, stop it!" Misa yelled fearing for the young girl's life.

Sasuke had easily predicted the movements and electrified his sword with his Chidori preparing to attack Sakura with no hint of mercy present in his emotionless, dead eyes. Luckily Yamato managed to block the attack with his kunai saving Sakura but the sword was far more powerful than a mere kunai. This action ended up with Yamato getting stabbed in the chest.

"Your choice of defense was quite the mistake," Sasuke spit out facts, his eyes moving over to Misa's who nervously took a step back already knowing her boundaries. She already knew she was far too weak to go against Sasuke but the Uchiha wasn't ready to give up. Misa was his dearest prey after all, "Oh man, you are no fun, Misa. Aren't you going to attack me like your foolish brother?"

Misa didn't respond at all but instead stared at Sasuke with her chest heaving up and down nervously. The reaction did annoy Sasuke. He wanted her to respond. He wanted her to answer him. Nevertheless soon after he ended the others, he would focus on Misa.

Naruto moaned in pain as he regained his senses trying his best to dismiss the words the beast within him was spouting. The boy knew that he would be weaker than he is now without the demon fox's power and decided to use the power in order to save his friend. However before the Uzumaki was able to do anything, Sasuke realized the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox was the source of Naruto's true power all this while. It was then he realized if Naruto had a stronger half of the fox, then obviously Misa had the other half. The newly learned truth made Sasuke smirk.

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