Chapter 75: More secrets

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Sakura drew in a breath of fresh air, stepping out of the hospital in relief that she didn't have to inhale the strange scent of alcohol and sanitizer combined. It had been hard to bear it during the time she was in there with Misa and the others. Nevertheless she was not sure about whether it was the scent that made her hard to breathe or whether it was what Misa's words.

The young Uzumaki had told the group that she didn't want to disclose about her being with a child to Naruto yet. She had emphasized about not being ready yet however Sakura wasn't the one to believe her words. Even though she used to have a cold war running between her and Misa, Sakura knew the girl too well. Back in the days, Naruto would be the first person to know something. They were basically attached by the hip yet after Naruto's return things were not running too smoothly for the twins rather it seemed to be taking to the worse. Sakura shook her head knowing it was not her place to think of such things. Misa and Naruto would take care of their problems on their own. She had no part in it....

But she hadn't really expected things to get so bad. Naruto was back again and Misa was finally released from the elders after she had to fake a whole scenario on making Sasuke seem like the villain, a part she acted out gladly with tears dripping down her eyes and her hyperventilating. The elders did have some certain questions on the girl being pregnant but after the Hokage had assured them that Misa only did it to survive they let the girl go unexpectedly but it didn't end there. The story of Uzumaki Misa being pregnant had spread around the whole village like a massive forest fire. People being people had already started rumors on who was the unborn child's father and were spreading absurd amounts of gossip. Some were pointing out on how Misa was definitely the devil's child whilst others called her a whore. What nobody did was sympathize with her situation. They were heartless as usual questioning a girl's dignity and honor.

Throughout all these rumors and stories, there was only one person who was in the dark. It was none other than Naruto. As per usual, he was didn't know what the hot topic of the village was these days. Maybe he was dense or maybe he was simply not interested- lord knows the reason but it was certain he didn't know. Otherwise there was no way in the world he would be hugging his twin and weeping tears of regret and pain on her shoulder begging her to forgive his idiotic past-self right in the middle of the street with Kakashi, Sakura, Sai and Yamato watching shaking their heads writhing with embarrassment.

"I'm so sorry, Misa. I am ashamed of myself and my behavior. Please forgive your stupid nii-chan," Naruto begged crushing the girl into a long hug.

The younger girl had her lips turned upwards when she saw her brother's eyes well up with tears. It made her happy to see how much her brother had cared about her. It proved his love for her. With him sobbing and begging for forgiveness, his sassy attitude and hateful actions towards her were soon forgotten but it came with a price.

"Naruto, I'm back again... here with you, so don't reminisce over the past."

Naruto. Naruto. Naruto.

Those words were ringing inside his head to a certain terrifying beat. His dear little sister had called him Naruto and not nii-chan? His body shook with disbelief at how his very own sister who had called nii-chan and nii-san had referred to him by name but there was only one thing he could thing about. This was the price of his actions. It was his fault. Had he behaved like a proper brother this could have been prevented. Just the fact that Misa had always searched for him and rushed out searching for him whenever she felt something was wrong with him and their twin "telepathy" had made her feel so and on the other hand, Naruto never did the same for Misa was something the girl couldn't easily forget. It would take time for her to return to her normal self even with her own friends and brother. She would act like the same person she used to but her heart if she had one would still be blood cold. In Misa's defense, her blood brother had always chosen other people over her every single time.

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