𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 11: ℕ𝕖𝕨 𝕣𝕚𝕧𝕒𝕝𝕤 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕊𝕒𝕤𝕦𝕜𝕖

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The very next morning Kakashi and team 07 bid their farewell to Tazuna, Inari and the villagers who had named the bridge they were constructing 'The Great Naruto Bridge' as gratitude for helping them defeat one of their great obstacles, Getoh and Zabuza.

Sasuke was sitting on a tree watching Naruto, Misa, Sakura playing with Konohamaru who was the grandson of the Third Hokage. He loved to watch Misa's cute little pouts when her face would turn sour after she lost the game she was playing or how her smile brightened up after Naruto cheered her on. Misa was so little compared to him. Sasuke liked that since he could crush her whenever he wanted to. He could show his dominance he craved. The everlasting feeling of Misa's promise and the way she had cried for him made him smirk knowing that Misa was already in love with him. It was just that he had to wait till she confessed to him. She was his pawn nothing more or nothing less. His eye caught the sight of a boy probably two years older than them wearing a black hood covering his head completely and having his face painted with some weird purple paint mocking Konohamaru while Naruto and Misa tried to save their fellow friend. Right next to the face painted boy stood another girl with teal eyes and sandy blonde hair. She was way taller than Misa and Sakura and seemed to have been much mature having the characteristics a woman would eventually when they were older. He could have looked the other way around since it was Konohamaru but when he saw the boy trying to flirt with Misa intrigued by her innocent looks Sasuke lost it however Naruto beat him to it.

"Hey get your hands of my sister. She will never get with someone who bullies little children like you!" Naruto angrily yelled before getting a harsh punch from the paint-boy.

"Aren't you a little boy yourself get out of my way?" The paint- boy grabbed Misa from her hand earning a low growl from Sasuke who hated seeing his bellowed pawn getting manhandled by the others.

Meanwhile Kakashi was sitting in front of the Third Hokage explaining about how he didn't want Misa and Sasuke to be together. The Third Hokage listened to the story without showing any of his emotions but a simple smile present on his face.

"Lord Hokage, Misa will fall in trouble I am sure of that. I can't bear to see that happen! She doesn't deserve to fall into the spider web of the Uchihas! She has a bright life, she could even marry someone of the Nara clan or even some other clan would be better but not Sasuke. Anyone but Sasuke, his eyes they clearly show what he needs Misa for. His rivalry with Naruto is also increasing day by day. Sasuke will hurt Misa so bad I am sure of it!" Kakashi rambled onto Hiruzen who nodded his to every single detail Kakashi filled him in.

"I see, so how did Misa like that outside world? She hadn't ever been outside these gates of Konoha due to my forbiddance. How was it? Did she like it?" The Third Hokage sneakily asked Kakashi tricking the man into relaying all the details.

"She loved it! She was so into the flowers and plants. She even helped the injured animals by tending to their wounds and then she embraced them. She played in the river and touched the water and danced in the grass. She tried to jump in to a mud puddle but-," Kakashi rambled on before pausing himself realizing that he had spoken too much in front of the Hokage, "Lord Third, forgive me. I spoke too much."

"Mhmm do you realize now, Kakashi? Don't you realize that you have a great soft spot for the girl? Did Misa remind of a certain someone or are you acting like a proper older brother for the both of the twins?" The Third Hokage sneakily asked Kakashi who was more than embarrassed at the moment. At that moment Kakashi knew that he was thinking too much of a kid who wasn't even related to him but he loved the kid like his own. Maybe it was fatherly love or brotherly love he didn't know but all he wanted to do was protect her from any harm, "You know Kakashi I have a feeling Sasuke will be a rogue ninja in the future due to his utmost desire for revenge. Perhaps Misa might be able to stop him or she might fall down with him, I don't know but let them be together for the time being. I have no idea what will happen in future."

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