Chapter 68: Stronger bonds?

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"S-sasuke please slower," Misa whimpered, gasping behind whilst her head was pressed again the pillow as her lover pounded her behind mercilessly with his veiny hands grabbing her waist tight enough to leave a couple of bruises around, "It's been hours."

But of course, Sasuke was nowhere near finished. He was blinded by lust and desire. He needed to be inside Misa and with her tight pussy clenching around him, Sasuke felt like it was heaven. With Misa's ass arched up in the air, he had better access to go even deeper more comfortably allowing him to imprint the shape of his dick into her little pussy. He desperately felt addicted and couldn't stop. For a fact, he couldn't even remember the amount of times Misa had reached her climax. He lost the count after her fourth one. The surge of adrenaline was quite overwhelming since the whole room and atmosphere smelt like sex, desire and just had a dark tone. The only thing Sasuke could hear was Misa's little squeals, moans and gasps with her pleading him to go slower even though she was quite tsundere about it. It was obvious that she loved what Sasuke was doing. She hadn't really pushed him away- not like she could with Sasuke pushing on his weight on her.

"Oh? Do you really want me to stop?" Sasuke teased the girl slowing his movements as soon as he felt like Misa was nearing her climax and smirked with pride after hearing her whimpering trying to reach the orgasm by moving trying to meet the soft spot he kept on rubbing with his tip even though she failed miserably.

"Please," Misa begged slowly turning her face to look at the man who pulled out and tapped her little button with the tip of his dick loving how desperate and teary she was getting with her red, swollen lips pouting at him.

The Uchiha held back his immense burst of desire that ripened within him again after seeing the adorable, cute face Misa made as she grasped the pillow and pressed her face into it hoping Sasuke would continue but oh no, he wasn't going to do that. He was going to make her beg for it.

"Go on, Misa. Say it," Sasuke commanded as he rammed into her in the slowest possible way with her pussy clenching around tightly making it harder for the man to bear.

Misa whimpered without any response too out of it to even think. She was overwhelmed by the continuous amounts of pleasure she received and was high on it. Nevertheless as usual, Sasuke was ruthless and merciless. He wouldn't dare to move and give what Misa wanted unless she begged for it. He wanted to hear her being desperate for him.

"Come on, princess, I didn't hear anything," He stated smirking as he pulled out his dick and rubbed the tip of Misa's little button with it  and twisting and rubbing her swollen nipple with his other whilst the girl whined at the loss of contact, "Look at you clenching around nothing."

The girl arched her back even more when she turned her head slightly with her brown eyes filling with need and tears, "Please, please let me cum."

And that's when the cold Uchiha lost his sanity and pushed his dick back inside Misa with him groaning silently at how good she felt. She was soft, plush and warm inside even though her skin was quite cold. It was definitely her kekkai genkai affecting her body temperature. Sasuke grabbed on to her hips tightly placing his hold and his mark on her pale skin as the sound of the skin slapping against each other echoed in the room. He loved Misa. He really loved her and he couldn't stop whispering it in her ear as they both reached their orgasm for the nth time.

"I love you so much, Misa. I love you so much that it hurts."


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