Chapter 78: Death/s

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There were so many battles happening.

Battles fought for protection of the country and battles for vengeance whilst Misa, Naruto, Sakura and Team 08 were sent on another mission. This was Misa's final mission before she was going to be assigned to work on with the young kids as a teacher in her own team and the girl was over the moon for it. Kids might be annoying but Misa had lost purpose and interest in being kunoichi. She had long forgotten why she chose to become one in the first place. Anyhow during the mission, they had encountered a crazy man who was a part of the Akatsuki who acted like a petulant child freaking out over Shino's insects.

"Uchiha Itachi is dead. Sasuke won," The sidekick next to the crazy man filled in as everyone gasped and trembled in shock.

Nearly everyone was startled by the new piece of information, everyone except Misa. She had known her strange and sudden meeting with Itachi would be their only meeting and that she would never see him again because the man she had seen that day was a man determined to do anything for his brother. He had already determined his decision and written down the future when he had come to visit her. Obviously everything would go according to his plans because this was Uchiha Itachi. Itachi had worn a mask all while long and the brief conversation he had with Misa gave her the chance to see through his tough mask which only hid his soft and sweet personality. He had long wanted to die and now, the great Uchiha prodigy was finally free. He was free. She did wonder if the love of her life did feel any satisfaction now that his long desired mission was accomplished... Oh, her beloved Sasuke- how glad she was that he had come out of the fight as a victor. Even though Misa could never admit this out loud right now, she was glad he was untouched... After all the girl loved her man too much to see him lose or die.

The brothers' battle was finally over...

"Whoa! I totally didn't see that coming," The masked man howled in excitement before changing his demeanor completely and staring at Misa for quite a while, "Not. It is just as I predicted."

"What do you want from her?" Kakashi growled raising his arm in a defensive stance. He knew something was up. There was something strange happening and Kakashi had noticed it. He had seen the way the crazy man had peeked at Misa and it was nothing pretty. His aura reeked of hatred, detest and disgust. It was almost as if he would have killed Misa if the others were not around.

"I don't really need her right now but I do need Sasuke for my future plans," He snickered before vanishing into thin air in search of Sasuke as he made it clear.


His heart was beating faster than a man beating drums for a festival. He couldn't stop the frantic movements in his body as he followed Kakashi going where ever the Jonin directed them at. He needed to see his friend. His dearest friend who he considered to be his brother and that was when he noticed it. He noticed her eyes, the eyes that held hurt and disappointment. He saw them clearly which slowed his movement just for a second.

His sister was eyeing with such a pained look in her eyes and that was the moment Naruto realized it. He had never tried to save her like he was trying to save Sasuke right now... He had never... He might have created a mess and caused a ruckus but he never went this far for her. He never went this far for his sister... his own blood sister. He never went this far for Misa because it was his friend, his sworn brother who had kidnapped her. It was because of Sasuke and everything was clear now. Maybe it was his own karma working against him this time because they never managed to reach Sasuke on time once more. They were late. They were always late and one more time, with a heavy heart they made way to the village where Naruto and Misa would be faced with worse news.

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