Chapter 69: Orcacles

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A/n:- This chapter is more like a fantasy chapter based on oracles, dreams and similarly dark content. Please avoid it if fantasy and mythical theories do not amuse you- even death!!!

She was back at Konoha. Strangely, the village was empty and seemed abandoned even though it didn't seem creepy. It was more like a paradise. Vast amounts of greenery, climbers and creepers to be more specific and flowers had grown over by each house completely covering them. The village was preserved and untouched and for a particular reason, Uzumaki Misa didn't feel a sense of uneasiness or felt uncomfortable rather was touched and found her own peace. As she walked past the houses, she noticed something bizarre.

It was a tusker at the further distance.

The animal was looking at her and was frozen at its own location. It possessed a beautiful skin tone, a colorless grey with rather astounding long ivory tusks standing proud.  The Uzumaki couldn't help but wonder what in the world was happening. A tusker in Konoha? That was the craziest thing yet most mesmerizing thing she ever saw. Nevertheless there wasn't any time for questions or any of sorts because the elephant charged towards her side alarming Misa. She was at a loss and frozen not knowing how to react to such an enormous animal of such great caliber however the young lady was not afraid. She didn't feel fear rather felt love as if she had met the tusker before but that was not possible because it was the first time she had even ever seen a tusker!

Yet the most unexpected thing happened. Even though the tusker approached her in such a furious and raging manner, when it got closer to her, the animal wrapped it's trunk around Misa's waist raising her lightly-

Misa gasped as she woke up from the strange, weird dream. It was not a nightmare but such a weird dream. A bone-chilling sensation ran up her spine as Misa wondered if there was a certain calling behind the dream but brushed those assumptions away when she figured it would be just a random vision. She walked out of her bath, getting ready for the day and stood in front of the mirror. There was a change in her face. Her skin was glowing and her cheeks were plumper? She felt like she gained a bit of weight too. With an evident confused state on her face, the girl knew something was up. She tried to communicate with the demon fox within her but the fox was awfully quiet for some reason.

"Sasuke, do you think I've gained weight?" Misa questioned after having stop her training midway because she felt exhausted and short of breath. She had never been this exhausted before and it was certainly peculiar.

"I don't think you have," Her lover replied with a short and curt answer not until his wandering hands were placed on her ass squeezing it tightly, "But I wouldn't mind if you do."

"Gosh, you are such a pervert. Stop it. I'm really exhausted. I wonder why," She added, feeling the cold hand of the Uchiha linger on her forehead checking on if she had fever.

"I haven't been sick for ages so I don't know what to do. Should we kidnap a village doctor and have him examine you?"  The Uchiha raised his brow and simply answered, "This is why I told you not to train. You shouldn't stress yourself so much."

"But this is nothing compared to our usual training. It makes me think I really gained a lot of weight," The girl sighed rubbing her temples only to be stopped mid-sentence with Sasuke's rough hand squeezing her cheeks, "AND ALSO KIDNAP A DOCTOR? Sasuke you have really gone rogue haven't you?"

Sasuke chuckled rubbing his nose against Misa, an accurate imitation of how cats were when they were with their dearest mates. The young Uchiha was no different from a cat, always diving into his sweetheart's arms, the only place he felt safe and trusted enough to be, "Who knows I might be an actual rogue ninja soon? I've been away from Konoha for so long."

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