Chapter 66: Sasuke's affection

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The redhead walked to and fro around the room with sorrowful expression on her face

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The redhead walked to and fro around the room with sorrowful expression on her face. This morning when she had woken up, Sasuke was nowhere to be seen. The side of his bed was empty, the washroom was empty and the entire hideout was empty expect for Orochimaru's weird workers. She wondered and wondered where the boy possibly could have gone leaving her like a captured maiden in the room. Orochimaru's workers or slaves or whatever you call them were at her beck and call by bringing her anything she wanted food, water or clothes but neither of them told her where Sasuke had gone. Her loose red hair was brushed messing up all the curls thus causing Misa to tie her hair up into a bun. It had already taken at least 2 hours to tie the bun perfectly even though she was quite skilled in her hairstyle abilities which the young Uzumaki had specifically learned from Ino who's hair was far longer than Misa's was. By the evening the young girl felt like she was losing her mind. Sasuke hadn't even arrived by then.

She really missed him. She missed how soft he had turned in the past few days showing her different sides to him nobody had ever seen before. She really couldn't believe how her feelings even came back after the day he hurt her, hurt her hearing, hurt her voice, hurt her soul and damaged her heart to no bounds but he really healed her soul and heart again. In Orochimaru's den she didn't have to worry about hurting Sakura, being afraid of the taunts of the people in the village... Misa was free and she desired her freedom more than anything else in the world.

As soon as she heard the door click, Misa was on her feet and hurrying over to Sasuke who had just come with a stoic look.

"Sasuke, you are back. Where were you?" Misa questioned throwing her arms around the boy's neck inviting him into a warm embrace.

The Uchiha melt into the hug pressing fluttery kisses all over Misa's pale neck enjoying the sight of how she had dolled up just for him. She wore a white kimono and dear lord, just as Sasuke entered the room, he couldn't take his eyes over her. He couldn't help but think that this would be how the younger girl would be dressed on her wedding day, on the day that she would wed him. The synchronized and steady beat of Misa's heart really spoke emotions to Sasuke.

"I missed you," Sasuke whispered inhaling the vanilla and honey scent of the girl.

And no, he wasn't talking about the perfume Misa had sprayed on herself, he was talking about her natural feminine scent. Those particular scents that always drove crazy and made him lose his mind.

"Me too, where were you?" The girl asked nuzzling her face in his chest.

"I was training," The boy answered, enjoying the amounts of affection Misa was showering him with.

"Training?" Misa took a step back with her eyebrows furrowing and feeling an odd sense of isolation, "You went to train? Why didn't you tell me?"

"You were asleep. I didn't want to disturb you," Sasuke shrugged like the incident that happened was nothing.

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