Chapter 83: The told legend

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Her child resembled Sasuke but strangely the child was able to smile in ways Sasuke had never. Her child's toothless smile and casual giggle always healed her heart as it did remind her of Naruto not realizing that actually the child had her smile. The child she had grown to love so much, Uzumaki Misa had to leave almost immediately because of her duty to the village and hopes of saving her lover because deep down Misa wanted her child to have a father. She had seen Sakura, Shikamaru and the others growing up with a father's affection and with time, Misa had come to realize why such love was needed.

Seeing her brother drop to the knees in front of the Raikage begging for a chance,, a chance for Sasuke's survival truly did break her already fragile heart because she already knew that Sasuke in no way did want saving.

"I'm begging you. I don't want anyone else getting killed for revenge! All Sasuke ever thought about was revenge. It consumed him and changed him. He was driven mad by revenge. He's not the same guy I knew anymore. I don't want that to happen to anyone else. I don't want people from Konoha and Kumo to be killing each other! So please," Naruto begged with his whole heart throwing away his dignity and bowing down to the great Raikage who did seem conflicted upon seeing Naruto who was trying so hard for his village.

"A Ninja should not be so quick to bow before another. Ninjas respect action and strength. There should be no compromises between ninjas. The weak will be crushed. The Akatsuki will be internationally wanted criminals. The whole world will be after Sasuke, not just me. You beg mercy for a criminal for the safety of your friends. In the Ninja world, we do not call that friendship," The Raikage announced amidst sneers of the same woman who beat up Naruto.

"You speak of no friendships but the woman beside you beat up my brother because Sasuke dared to attack the eight tails. What do you call that then?" Misa finally spoke up.

Unlike Naruto, Misa was a proud girl. She would never bow down so easily. Maybe back in the days when she was younger, Misa would have done that but Tsunade had influenced the girl a lot. She had taught her that a woman especially a woman who was a ninja should never bow down so easily. Why? Tsunade would never tell her but the young Uzumaki had always followed her words.

"Karui? You beat up this kid?" The Raikage asked confused and then rubbed his temples for a while before continuing, "Well rather than friendship, it is our duty to protect people from our village and the holder of the eight tails is from our village."

"Lord, you shouldn't lie so much. You speak of no friendship but you are doing all this for your adoptive brother. Your brother is the eight tailed beast holder, Killer B. Maybe there is no friendship in your village but there sure is family and Sasuke is my family. He is my lover and I will do anything to make sure he survives," Misa boldly stated, "Even if it means fighting against the world... I'm sure you'd understand."

What she had said was completely true. Being a part of the Hokage's ANBU, Misa had been taught all the familial affiliations in the whole Ninja world as there could be a time they were put use.

The Raikage gulped nervously being affected by Naruto's begging and Misa's words but there was nothing the man could do. He was conflicted within and didn't know how to answer. Thus he ended leaving with a heavy heart.

"Brother, you must get up. Your speeches of loyalty and friendship won't work every time," Misa added, patting her brother's back, "We still have to prevent this."


Misa sat next to her brother who was lying down and deep in thought. They had taken shelter in a village alongside Yamato and Kakashi who were still figuring what to do next. Whilst the duo was planning their next step, Misa and Naruto were forced to calm down and regain their strength.

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