Chapter 79: WAR I

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A/n: The chapter is broken in to three parts because of how long it is. The chapter might be short but fear not because I will be releasing the other parts day after tomorrow!

The two Uzumakis sat across each other awkwardly. Misa had approached Naruto after a couple of days. She had made the bold choice of not contacting Naruto till he had calmed down after Jiraiya's death. She knew if she had spoken to him before he would have taken all his anger and hatred on her unintentionally and Misa was intelligent enough to avoid such a situation because she knew if she heard more painful comments from her brother, she could not forgive him anymore. There was only so much a woman could take and forgive. Naruto was about to exceed the limit.

"You were not here when I needed you the most, Misa."

His voice was colder and hoarse. The obvious dark circles and unshaven face made Misa shake in sadness but the girl didn't dare show it. She knew she couldn't help Naruto out. How could she help him out? How could she? She could not even help herself yet. She had no energy to soothe her brother or anyone.

But they were siblings. They were siblings. They were of the Uzumaki clan and their souls were too pure for the world. They always had sympathy in their heart which is why Naruto saw how heartbroken and tired his sister was and vice versa, this is why Misa saw how broken her brother was. It was time to let go.

"I'm sorry."

The duo blurted it out at the same time and then looked at each other directly in the eye before chuckling for a good while. It wasn't long till tears filled those already bloodshot eyes once again. Naruto threw his arms around his sister letting his head rest against her shoulder and broke down. He had been craving his sister's embrace for so long. He remembered all those times he was acting tough in front of Misa... Every time the villagers had shunned him, those words had been so painful and had cut him deeper than a kunai ever did but he had tried his best to not show those tears to Misa because he wanted to act like a proper strong older brother would. Oh how the things had changed. For the first time in years, Naruto had broken down and was spilling his heart out to his sister... and Misa tried her best not to show her tears this time because she wanted to take the role of the strong older sibling and take care of her brother... give him the affection he needed. This embrace and this affection was exactly what he needed.

"He's probably looking over at us right now and laughing at how stupid our fights were at," Naruto tried to envision it happening now that his father figure had left him.

"Brother..." Misa whispered, "He would want to see you happy and glowing brightly like the star you were meant to be."

"A star? I'm not a star. I'm not strong enough, Misa," He started to sob again

Misa pulled on her brother's cheek lowering his face so their eyes could meet, "Ever since we were kids, I knew you were meant to be a hero, someone greater and I know you will be Hokage... Don't think like that."

"Come back home."

"I already am."

What the duo did not know was that the day Naruto would be hero was not further away as the brother and sister reconciled in the sweetest yet most normal way.

Meanwhile the Uchiha was shaking with anger. He needed to kill. He needed to avenge his brother. He needed to avenge his woman. Danzo himself didn't know that something worse than hell was approaching him. It was like an unexpected tornado approaching the end of the world ready to vanquish and get rid of humanity. His thirst for revenge had always been strong but it had gotten stronger now that he knew the truth.

"So that's the plan?" Suigetsu asked.

"Yes, now we search for the eight tailed beast," The Uchiha responded, hatred lurking in his eyes as visible veins popped on his forehead.

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