𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 09: 𝕊𝕦𝕣𝕡𝕒𝕤𝕤𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕝𝕚𝕞𝕚𝕥𝕤

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Misa weakly opened her eyes bearing the physical pain. It was something that she wasn't used to or ever felt however to be a ninja such things had to forgotten. She couldn't bear seeing Sasuke soaked in blood like that it was too painful. She used her remaining strength to touch one of the many ice mirrors making it shatter into million pieces using her own technique and just in time the masked boy was struck down to the ground by a kunai targeted by Naruto. Kakashi smirked in happiness upon seeing the Uzumaki twins finally getting into their job perfectly. Well guess that was expected from Naruto who was the number one ninja in surprising people and Misa who was the number one ninja in determination. However their happiness didn't last long when Kakashi noticed the kunais that were thrown at Naruto by Zabuza leaving him no path for escape. Yet there was one person in the group who was able to sense the throwing of the kunais even before any ways able to. Misa had already thrown small needles made from ice and had left them to collide with the kunais so that the kunais' path would be altered from Naruto's. Now that they had practiced controlling chakra, Misa could control her kekkai genkai with no hardship or harm.

"Zabuza leave them to me," the masked boy stated once again creating an ice barrier with Misa and Sasuke in it right after Sasuke had mindlessly thrown a kunai at the masked boy who easily dodged leaving Misa and Sasuke dumbfounded, "I thought of leaving you to rest for a bit considering the fact that you are badly injured but I guess we can't have that, isn't it? Now that the girl is in with you in my domain she won't be able to break the barrier that easily."

Misa's lips trembled in fear as soon as she noticed the fearful sight of the ice mirrors around her. Sasuke too was terrified even though he didn't show his fear at all. Misa hadn't expected the scene to be this terrifying to be honest. There was no way she could get close to the ice mirrors because if she did, the masked boy's reflection would shoot the tiny needles she had shot Sasuke with. In fact in Misa's eyes there was no way out but Sasuke was obviously not going to let Misa, nor him die here. Both of them had a great future with lots of praises and happiness. For their lives that were supposed to be glorious and victorious such a fate was never going to be on the list. At least Misa had to survive. Yes he had to make Misa survive this fate of death at all costs. All of a sudden the tiny needles were shot on from all the sides causing immense torture to both Misa and Sasuke. Sasuke tried to cover Misa and protect her from his own body but of course there was no chance to save Misa. She was feeling even much more pain than Sasuke was feeling since she had faced a tremendous wound from Zabuza's sword from the match before. She pushed Sasuke away from her not wanting to see Sasuke sacrificing himself for her.

"Oi Misa I think I found out the way to stop this, make Naruto attack from outside while we attack from inside!" Sasuke informed but Misa just stared at him not answering just pointing at the familiar guy next to Misa.

"You are talking about Naruto? He said he came to help us from inside," Misa said rubbing her bleeding arms while Naruto tried to blow on her wounds trying to make the girl feel less pain. Sasuke sighed annoyed. He was so sure that Naruto would have done such a stupid thing and the fact that Misa was just staring at Naruto acting as if he hadn't just gambled their trump card away from putting into a great deal of anger. There was nothing he could do but Naruto could have at least used his brain to help Misa once and for all. Guess Sasuke had to take the leadership and save Misa once again.

Kakashi and Sakura rubbed their temples in frustration knowing that Naruto even though was the best at taking their enemy in surprise was the dumbest ninja in their team. He had no sense of common sense. Secretly Kakashi knew he had nothing to worry now that three of the children in Team 07 were inside the ice mirrors including the most intelligent and more responsible one Sasuke in it but Naruto had just taken a long path in the fight they could have won easily. The instructor was sure that Sasuke and Naruto would be on perfect terms and would act as a proper team since both of them had one thing in common that they wanted to protect and that was Misa while on the other hand Misa would be more than ready to give up her life to save Sasuke and Naruto. A perfect team union and perfect match could even get over even the worst fighters, so Kakashi had trust that his beloved kids would win this. Sasuke pushed Naruto and Misa behind maing some signs from his hand and suddenly sent fire out of his mouth knowing that the mirrors were made of frozen water and they'd dissolve if heat was emitted but unluckily nothing of such sort happened.

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