Chapter 52: Desires

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⚠️ Warning ⚠️
Please note that this whole chapter is extremely mature. There are mature themes. Mature!

A/N - Hello everyone,
Some of y"all might not actually like the chapter. Maybe because I'm going too fast but don't worry! I'll try my best to make it good! Thank you for your support and love.

Lady Tsunade moved around her room in a state of frenzy and fear. She was afraid of what would happen to Misa. Uzumaki Misa was like the daughter she never had. A sweet little kid who always listened to her and was her exact ideal daughter and hearing that her precious kid was kidnapped literally set her heart on fire. She dearly loved her. The only thing running in Tsunade's mind was why in the world would Danzo poke his nose into Misa being kidnapped. He had definitely never showed interest in Misa before and it was definitely not because Misa was a jinchuriki. Misa had strangely asked about Danzo a few days back too.

Things seemingly didn't add up.

Luckily she had Kakashi, Guy, Shikaku, Asuma and Jiraiya by her side.

"I believe the best thing to do Hokage-sama is to bring back Misa. Misa is a jinchuriki and keeping her next to someone like Orochimaru doesn't sound like a good idea," Asuma declared shaking his head in disbelief at the situation.

"I think so too," Shikaku raised his hand, agreeing, "Sasuke had kidnapped her. This is Uchiha Sasuke, we are talking about."

"Then it's settled. We should send our s-rank-," Tsunade announced.

"No. That's the stupidest move anyone could do," Jiraiya finally voiced his opinion.

"What are you even talking about Jiraiya?" The Hokage raised her brow with disbelief evident on her face.

"Let's say you save Misa from Sasuke's clutches and bring her back to Konoha. Do you really think she would live a peaceful life? Danzo and the elders will rule her out as a spy. The villagers will obviously believe them because Misa and Naruto, they are known as the monsters in the village," Jiraiya explained his thought – which was soon proven out to be a fact, "Misa will lose her mind if she comes back. Trust me."

"She will lose her mind if she stays with Sasuke

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"She will lose her mind if she stays with Sasuke. He will hurt her. It's Sasuke we are talking about," Kakashi protested. He knew how dangerous Sasuke was.

"Sasuke will never hurt Misa, you and I both know that. He is just obsessed with her. He loves her too much to hurt her. If she comes back to Konoha, she will be thrown in to prison. She will be starved and tortured and none of will be able to save her. This is Misa we are talking about," Jiraiya answered honestly.

"How could you say that when you and I both know that Sasuke didn't hesitate to Misa in that feud five years ago," The copy ninja strongly hated even thinking of leaving the girl in the Uchiha's den.

"Kakashi, you saw how the boy purposely avoided her vital points. Leave her there. Trust me Tsunade, Kakashi if you bring her back to Konoha now, Misa will die. You must have noticed it right? Danzo has something against Misa and will not hesitate to kill her. He really wants her back in Konoha which is why he labeled her as a spy," Jiraiya warned the shinobis, "Don't do anything stupid."

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