𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 03: 𝕋𝕖𝕒𝕞 𝟘𝟟

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Misa and Naruto ran hurriedly into the Academy. They were already a couple of minutes late but luckily when they entered the classroom the teacher wasn't already present. Sighing softly, seeing only spot free Misa took a seat next to her brother and next to Naruto was the Uchiha everyone was swarming around. It was actually unbelievable that the desk Sasuke was sitting on was actually available since if Sakura and Ino were present they'd push away the others only to sit at that spot. Ino was another girl who was totally in love with Sasuke. She and Sakura were actually battling on who would get Sasuke's first kiss. Both had hopes on the young boy just like the others but the most noticeable ones were Ino and Sakura. It was strange that they weren't already here because they'd usually come early to sit next to Sasuke. Naruto silently grumbled with annoyance about having to sit next to Sasuke but Misa nudged hard making him see that there was no other proper spot where the twins could sit together. Shikamaru was at the back lazily sleeping and Chouji, another friend of Naruto's was heavily munching on a packet of chips behind them. In fact Shikamaru and Chouji were the first two children of their age in Konoha who accepted and saw them as children. When they were a lot smaller they used to play together but as time passed by Shikamaru didn't want to waste his energy and grew lazier whilst Chouji spent his whole day munching on chips. Misa was the only one who played with Naruto after they left but Misa couldn't catch up with Naruto's great stamina due to her weak heart.

The door of the classroom banged open and in came, the two devils, Ino and Sakura. Well they weren't actually devils. They looked like angels with hearts, minds and personalities as devils. The two were already arguing on who was supposed to sit next Sasuke even after noticing that Naruto and Misa had taken up those positions. Being the idiot Naruto usually was he assumed that Sakura, the girl he had a crush on was staring at him even though she actually was staring at Sasuke gawking and feeling flattered at his good looks. Sakura ran towards the desk where Sasuke was seated pushing away Naruto who was getting ready for a kiss from Sakura moronically.

"Get out of my way!" yelled Sakura throwing Naruto on the floor making Misa help him up.

"Why are you being an idiot? You know she doesn't like you," informed Misa.

In a voice totally contrast to the voice she had spoken to Naruto from, she shyly asked, "Sasuke-kun, can I sit next to you?"

A menacing glare was given in return by the very boy who tried his best to maintain his composure. The girls were fighting over him again. Their fake voices made him gag all over again and cringe disgustingly. How he preferred the peace he felt a few moments ago but little did he know his peace was going to shatter again completely. Naruto jumped on to the desk right in front of Sasuke and pushed his face into Sasuke's gazing at the boy angrily.

"Misa, what do you think? Why do girls swarm around him and not me?" Naruto still looking into Sasuke's face asked Misa who was already face-palming herself.

"Nii-san, stop it-," Misa tried to reason with Naruto but was again immediately interrupted by Sakura's angry voice.

"Naruto, stop staring at Sasuke-kun!" screamed Sakura while Sasuke's fan-girls just agreed with her.

"Oi, oi, oi what's so good about him anyway?" Naruto questioned again looking straight into Sasuke's eyes who returned the same favor with his emotionless ones. However it was quite clear that Sasuke was clearly annoyed and irritated by Naruto no matter how hard he tried to cover up his emotions. The room started echoing with the fan-girls voices who were begging Sasuke to beat up Naruto. Suddenly a boy in the row in front of Naruto mistakenly knocked his arm on Naruto's back which sent the boy's lips right into Sasuke's. Sakura's and the others hearts dropped. Their favorite guy was having the kiss with the loser of the class, how atrocious and unacceptable.  Meanwhile Shikamaru, Chouji and Misa burst into laughter. Sasuke swiftly took a look at Misa. Her laughter was like music to his ears. It was nothing like the fake voices he had a few moments ago. He wanted to hear it again. He never knew Misa could even look so happy before. She certainly should learn to laugh more.

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