𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 12: 𝕄𝕚𝕤𝕒 𝕘𝕖𝕥𝕤 𝕥𝕙𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕟𝕖𝕕

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Naruto was sulking in a corner with Misa trying to comfort him. He was absolutely jealous about the fact that Sasuke was getting more attention from other even more than Naruto was getting. Misa in fact felt pity for her brother. All his life they were searching for recognition out of which Naruto worked the hardest for it. Misa was too timid and terrified to approach people. Maybe that was because she was absolutely scarred by an incident she faced with a certain group of people when she was younger. All she knew was that whenever someone she didn't know tried to talk she'd freeze up all over, not knowing what to do. Her eyes settled on Sasuke who was clearly getting a humiliating defeat from Lee for underestimating the boy. Misa put her hand over her chest and balled them into fists not wanting to see Sasuke getting hurt. She liked him and she badly wanted to stop their fight but Naruto had prevented her from interfering saying that it was man's fight. Sasuke was a lonely person, a guy who Misa wanted to give a light to but it seemed like he was running behind revenge forgetting that they were still kids. Even though Misa liked Sasuke there was a part of her that was terrified of the boy. It wasn't his personality or qualities but his aura was more than scary. The girl was even more scared when she felt the bloodlust coming from Sasuke. He was using his Sharingan once again to defeat Lee. Hatred, anger and revenge were surrounding the air making it even tenser and it was nearly suffocating Misa since she hated it. She hated seeing Sasuke in such a state but considering Sasuke's feelings Misa knew that Sasuke was still traumatized by the incident of his clan's massacre. He was still searching for justice just like her brother but it was just that Sasuke was searching for justice in a whole different way. However no matter how strong Sasuke was with his Sharingan, Lee managed to get in more punches. The truth behind his immense power was that he wasn't using any ninja techniques or even illusionary techniques thus the Sharingan couldn't detect them making Lee have the upper hand in the fight.

"I heard that the Sharingan can see through and deal with illusionary and ninja techniques that require forming seals and kneading Chakra. However for hand to hand combat it's a little different," Lee stated.

"What do you mean?" An enraged Sasuke yelled.

"Even if you can see my movement with your Sharingan your body does not have the speed to keep up with mine. In other words you can't keep up with my body. I'm a hard-working ninja that continuously has improved my hand to hand combat through constant training," Lee explained before trying to use an extremely dangerous move to defeat Sasuke until Misa and a tortoise butted in.

"Sasuke, Lee stop fighting. You shouldn't get injured before our tests. It's going to be disadvantageous," Misa muttered walking right to Sasuke's side and rubbing his bruises.

"The angel is right. Stop right there, Lee," A tortoise barged into the room startling everyone present.

"A t-tortoise i-i-is talking," Misa stuttered. Sakura had immediately rushed to Sasuke's side and was tending to his wounds while Misa rushed to the tortoise exploring it's body and looking right into it directly.

"Lee that move is forbidden. Don't use any excuse. Didn't you see two girls were present here did you want to startle them?" The tortoise spoke out before calling out for a man who appeared right on top of the tortoise. Misa was shocked by how alike the man looked to Lee. Both had extremely thick eyebrows and wore the exact same clothes. Even for a minute Misa actually thought Lee was that man's son but it didn't seem so. In fact the man had a bright cheery smile showing off his wide teeth and smiling at the children who were utterly confused by what was happening. An argument broke out between Lee and Naruto rounding up on the fact that Naruto couldn't believe that the teacher was extremely identical to his student. They were quite unique.

"Wow you guys are so cool!" Misa let out her thoughts before running around the man and Lee watching them quite closely, "This is the first time I saw something cool like this! You two look exactly the same!"

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