Chapter 56: 21 Questions?

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A/n ;- Hii everyone, I am really sorry for the delay!! Today's chapter might be a little cringe😭
Ugh please forgive me😭😭

"You are really weak, Misa. Did you not train for the past couple of years?"

Misa rolled her eyes annoyed after hearing the snide remark Sasuke made. She mostly annoyed at the audacity Sasuke had to even nitpick at her skills considering he was the reason she had not managed to improve her skills like the others ninjas of Konoha did during their excessive period of training. Furthermore it wasn't her fault that she was born with a weaker body.

Sasuke looked the shorter lady, his bored and emotionless eyes trying to read the girl's behavior. He was making an effort to see if Misa was annoyed o irritated or simply hated him. The Uchiha ran his fingers through his strands of hair wondering if he was doing the right thing. The right thing being he offered to train her. It was almost like déjà vu considering the first time Misa ever spoke to Sasuke was when she wanted to train asking him to tutor her.

 It was almost like déjà vu considering the first time Misa ever spoke to Sasuke was when she wanted to train asking him to tutor her

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Those were the golden days where there was no particular worry in her head.

But now things were not so easy.

Nevertheless the difference this time being that Sasuke was the one to initiate the training sessions. Seeing how Misa lazed around in his room locked up for days while he trained didn't sit right with him. He wanted to be with Misa 24/7. The boy being dense couldn't quite explain this emotion but any other could clearly see this was love.

Misa being cunning had immediately accepted the offer to train with him after being promised that the chakra absorbing chains would be removed during the particular training session. Well she did try to escape the first time which ended up with him defeating her easily and capturing her back.

The second time was no different.

The third time, she got caught faster than anyone would expect her to.

The fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh times, of course she never succeeded and those turns of her trying to escape made Misa realize something. She was extremely inferior to Sasuke's abilities and well hearing that she was weak from the Uchiha's mouth didn't exactly help her ego or pride either.

"Well after you tried to kill me, the consequences of your actions were terrible that I ended up being this weak. I mean it's not easy to function with one eye blind and being deaf in one ear," Misa snorted stretching herself in the spot near a grand, stunning waterfall where Sasuke apparently used to train 24/7 as quoted by Orochimaru.

Sasuke was hit with a massive amount of guilt even though he didn't show it on his face. He truly regretted his decision. If only he had the guts and the power to have convinced Misa to come with him that day, this would have never happened, "Couldn't Tsunade heal you?"

"Not everything can be healed," Misa responded tying her hair back glancing at the mysterious Uchiha who had taken her captive.

"Especially trust," He added to which the girl smiled internally looking up the boy who was much taller than her with a couple of inches.

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