Chapter 79: WAR II

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A/n: Before you guys read this, let me tell you that I am not at all write who could describe fighting scenes and etc... I actually suck at those parts and I'm so sorry if this is not up to your standard because to be honest, there were some parts in Naruto's techniques and all that I didn't understand.
Furthermore Sasuke won't be present on this chapter but for sure on the next😭 I am so sorry!

No, she couldn't let that happen. She couldn't let the Akatsuki kill those innocent people because of her and her brother. It was out of question.The citizens may have hurt her feelings countless times. You might see Misa as stupid but she was never the heartless one. They have been calling her the source of chaos since birth and right now, maybe she was one now. Nevertheless the Akatsuki would see. They would see the real source of chaos. She would be the epitome and force of destruction if they wanted because Uzumaki Misa would always protect the innocent. She might be seen as weak, submissive and woman that had no particular personality but one thing was certain. The girl was a force of power and life.

Sakura had tears fill her eyes when she realized that she could not stop Misa from sparring with the Akatsuki. She didn't even have time to look on for the girl as the corpses and the number of injured people began piling up. It was a horrific sight. No soft hearted person could stand to see such torture. The last thing Misa had told her before Misa left was to pull her chin up and do her job as a medical ninja just like Tsunade was doing hers.

Inoichi, Ino's father was in a state of shock as he could swear the woman with orange hair directing the attacks in front of them was someone he had seen previously as a corpse. Something was not right. It was a mystery that had to be solved but he could not fully concentrate with the sheer screams of terror and frightened cries of the people around them.

"Shizune, Inoichi! You should go back to safety and find out more about the situation. The Black Ops and I could handle this," Ibiki, the first examiner Misa and the others had at the Chuunin exam was a brave man as usual as he took one for the team just so he could give them more time to figure out the clue and the key to evade the disaster, "We'll be your opponents."

"Nobody needs to be their opponents when I am here."

Ino gasped after seeing Misa approaching and standing in front of them. She was horrified at how the young Uzumaki was throwing herself to a death den while pregnant!

"No, Misa! You should be protected! It is you they after," Ibiki screamed hoping to get some sense in to the girl.

It was all futile because Misa only turned back and forced a smile, "It is why I am here. You all should get to safety."

"I will not leave you, Misa," Ibiki yelled whilst signaling Ino, Inoichi and Shizune to leave discreetly so they could investigate more on the situation.

Pain stood on top of two creatures, one creature resembled the dog from hell whilst the other one was rhinoceros. The scenario was a bit odd considering how this pain didn't speak at all and was almost like an emotionless shell with no life... like a doll but Misa was blinded by rage so she couldn't see those little details and directly attacked the form. Obviously the form of pain didn't expect such an unprecedented attack from the culprit they were looking for.

"The Nine tails!" The form mumbled as Misa plummeted her to the ground not even needing any type of technique to end it till it evaded the attack and instead attacked Ibiki by using a summoning technique on the man causing him major injuries as Misa's eyes widened with intense anger and rage, she had so much rage in her eyes as veins popped out around her eyes with her blood running colder every second that passed by.

Another monster emitted out of Ibiki's body but the creature was not able to go far as Misa used her water technique to freeze it and then crush it like it was nothing.

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