Chūnin exams: Uzushiogakure joins! PT: 2

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Sunagakure and Uzushiogakure traveled together to Konohagakure. Naruto walked between Gaara and Shikamaru while the Akatsuki was behind them and behind them was the mix of Suna Genin's, Jōnins and some Chūnins from both villages.

Naruto had been lectured for four hours straight about spending his money. It was his to spend but the others wanted him to save it for himself and not the village or someone else.

He sighed, Konohagakure's gates ahead of them.

"I really don't want to go back but I miss Granny" Naruto said "I know you miss her but atleast you finally wrote to her" Shikamaru gave him a stern look, his Deer mask on his face "I get it! Geez, shika you torment me in writing" Naruto complained "it's because I love you and you love you're grandmother" Shikamaru said making Naruto's cheeks turn red "and I love you to damn it" he growled blushing, the three former Akatsuki members smirked while Gaara chuckled.

"Tell me why you left Temari and Kankuro in charge again?" Shikamaru asked Gaara who sighed "I didn't have a choice. They are the only ones who can take care of the job if I'm away but I have a bad feeling their going to cause trouble" Gaara groaned "oh boy" Naruto muttered.

The gates came closer to the group. "Mask on. Keep a low profile and don't give yourselves away, Weasel stay close. I can't have them seeing you if you show you're eyes or face" Naruto ordered "hai!" They walked to the gates. The guards seen them and stood "welcome, you may enter" they opened the gates and let the two villages in.

They walked into the village and Shikamaru bit back a scowl as he looked at the village. The villagers were interested to see who the masked figures are and who the Uzukage was.

Naruto grasped his hand gently, calming the Nara's slightly but he glared at the villagers through the eyes of his mask. "Shika calm down. Don't cause a scene" Naruto said gently, Shikamaru clenched Naruto's soft skinned hand softly. Naruto turned to the Genin's "head for the Inn's, stay there until tomorrow. Weasel and Raven will come get you tomorrow at 6am" he instructed to his Genin Gaara did the same with his.

"Chūnins keep an eye on the Genin's, stay with them and you're sensei's. Jōnins keep an eye out for eavesdropping konoha nin's" Naruto ordered and the Jōnins nodded.

They disbanded to their respective places, he turned to the others "we meet up with the hokage, we'll move on from there once we visit her" they nodded and walked to the hokage tower.

The receptionist lead them to the hokage office and then left them there going back to her station as Naruto knocked on the door. They received and answer and he opened the door. Shikamaru placed up the seals needed and Itachi closed the door behind Deidra who was the last one.

"You're free to remove you're mask Gaki" Naruto gladly did so, "I missed you squirt!" She hugged him "missed you too Granny!" He chuckled and gave his signature grin. "Shikamaru you've gotten taller" Naruto pouted "he's taller then me now" he whined "troublesome blonde I'm always taller then you" Shikamaru removed his mask and kissed Naruto's forehead. "You guys are cute together" Naruto blushed and Shikamaru smirked. "Shut up granny" he said flustered, Shikamaru pulled Naruto to his chest.

"You'll stay with me, I don't trust the Inn's and council. The kazekage is fine to stay with me as well" Gaara nodded "I don't want to stay in this village any longer" she nodded at that "once the exams end you guys are free to leave, there is nothing holding you guys hostage here" she said "granny once you retire come to Uzushiogakure" she smiled "don't worry I will. I haven't seen it since my grandmother and grandfather were alive and I was little" she said "mom said it got destroyed when she was a kid" Tsunade nodded "it did. It took three villages to destroy the clan and left it in ruins. But with you as the Uzukage and rightful ruler to lead Uzushiogakure, the village is now back in the Shinobi world again" Tsunade said.

"Damn it now you're gonna call me Uzukage-sama" Naruto complained "I'm gonna have to Gaki. Can't have this damn village knowing who you are" she stated a true fact. "See? Even she agrees" Kisame said "oh zip it fish lips" Naruto argued "I thought we agreed you'd stop calling me that" Kisame pouted "you should have thought of that before coming you with that statement" Naruto said pointing an accusitory finger at Kisame.

"Deidra don't blow anything up" Shikamaru called out just as Deidra was working with his clay "I wasn't" he whined "I'm just saying don't blow anything up" Shikamaru stated and Deidra pouted, Shikamaru turned to Itachi "keep an eye on him" Itachi sighed but nodded.

"I still have no idea how you managed to tame SS-Rank nin's" Tsunade deadpanned "easy, they needed a push in the right direction and now look up to me and sometimes joke calling me mother for whatever reason" Naruto said "because you have the Aura of a mother and the body of a female but you are male" Shikamaru and Itachi said. "I do not" Naruto frowned "then explain how children love being around you" Kisame said, Naruto was going to respond but ended up closing his mouth when he could remember he was about to adopt a few kids.

"See? Point proven" Naruto stuck his tongue out at him Tsunade chuckled at her grandson. "I'll show you where my house is, if I don't then the village will know something is up if you guys just walk straight there like you know the place" Tsunade stated "right.." Tsunade grabbed her keys and the Uzushiogakure nin's put their mask back on and hoods up following the hokage out of the office and tower to her mansion.


Chapter written: November 28, 2022.

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