20 | Messenger

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trist 💗
12:07 AM

where are you? why is your house empty?

you were there?

i went there to visit you since we didn't have enough time this morning and because you went home earlier than usual. i was worried.

but there's no one there. wala ka namang nabanggit na bakasyon sa akin ah?

yeah, wala nga.

i'm not on any vacation, love. i'm in tita analie's town assignment. i'm sure you know this place since we've been here once.

what are you doing there? that's too far. you did something impulsively again.

i had nowhere to go.

sira na ang pamilya ko, tristan. my parents cheated on each other. idk where grace and ate gift is since they're not even responding to my messages.

i need to be away for a while too, and this might be impulsive but if it can save me from overthinking and hurting myself, then so be it.

gusto ko lang talagang lumayo sa lahat ng masasamang nangyari.

i'm sorry for not telling you. even my friends doesn't know about it.

you are a student, given. why would you go to a town just to escape? hindi ka ba nag-iisip? paano ka papasok niyan ngayon?

don't tell me magcocommute ka?

tristan, pwede ba? kahit ngayon lang o.

kahit ngayon lang huwag mo naman muna akong pagsabihan ng kung ano-anong masasakit na salita. i've had enough of it from my family. hindi ko na kailangan ng dadagdag.

boyfriend kita but you're always the person who brings me down instead of trying to make me feel better.

ang saya, 'no? masaya kang ginaganito ako?

for Pete's sake, cut the drama. i am asking because you aren't practical in your decision making. you could've called and told me about the situation earlier because i wouldn't have hesitated to take you in. i'm sure even my parents will like that idea.

you also have friends here in the city. bakit hindi mo sinabi sa kanila kung hindi kayang sa akin sabihin?

i have my reasons, and you probably won't understand that so i won't try to explain anymore.

for now, can i just rest? please? pagod na ako eh. sobrang pagod na.

tsk. call me first thing in the morning.

and pack your things, i'm picking you up to bring you back to the city. no buts and questions. you can't stay in that lousy town.

tristan, ano ba?


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