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12:08 AM

@Comet anong nangyayari sa'yo? Ilang araw ka nang wala sa ospital pero hindi ka rin pumapasok.

Exactly my question too. I was with Alaina, Stella, and Fourth at lunch earlier and they asked about you too.

I could've easily told them that you were watching out for Given at the hospital if you were still there but you aren't and it's been since Tuesday.

What's happening?


Remember Auntie Mom? She died on my birthday last year because of too much depression when my Uncle Dad had a mistress.

Yeah. I remember that so fucking well. That was one of your darkest moments, dude. You even left home because you were mad at your Uncle Dad.

Oh. Yeah, I do remember. You never left home before because you said you wanted to live with the people who took you in as if you were their own kid as long as they're still alive but when your Auntie Mom died, you left immediately.

You didn't even wanted to talk with your Uncle Dad.

I was deeply hurt because of what Uncle Dad did. He and Auntie Mom had a very healthy relationship since I was young so I never thought that he'd have a mistress.

Ang tanda na rin niya eh. Kung magloloko siya bakit ngayon pa di'ba? I just couldn't understand anything.

I get your point, but where is this conversation going?

I only met Uncle Dad's mistress once, when he tried to let me be accustomed to her because he told me he's gonna marry her.

Those words I can't forget because it hasn't been that long since Auntie Mom died when he made that announcement. I was so mad at him and at the other woman.

And I met her again the other day.

You know what hurts the most? She's Given's Mom.

What the fuck?

Damn, that is nuts.

What the hell?

No man, that can't be happening. I mean, are you sure it was her?

I faced her for a good two hours during that time when Uncle Dad asked to meet me together with her, Cardan. I know her too well.

I will never forget her face, and the way Given called her 'Mom' when we went back to the hospital last Tuesday.

She's Given's Mom, and that shit hurts.

Did you avoid Given because of this?

I avoided her because I was hurt but I will never be mad at her.

Hindi ko lang alam kung paano sasabihin sa kaniya no'n. But I guess her Mom told her already. She talked to me about it earlier today.

Did you meet her already?

She's with her friends right now. I am just glad that she has them.

I'll talk to her tomorrow.

And what are you planning to do?

Comet, you just told us that you're not mad at her. You're not gonna hurt her, are you?

You both can punch me if I hurt her because of this but I assure you that I won't. Gusto ko 'yong tao, Atlas. Hindi rin ako gano'n kababaw.

Pero truth be told, I don't know what's the right thing to do.

I'm sorry, bro. That's fucked up.

But you know you have us, right?

I know. Thanks.

Magpapahinga muna ako. Magkikita pa kami ni Given bukas.

Thanks for telling us, dude. Call us anytime you want. We got you.

[❤️] 2

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