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beloved five
1:55 AM

Given Eloise Yap
is anyone still up?

Sabrina Corinne De Jesus
given! finally, oh my god. we've been trying to call you but you were out of reach. grace told me what happened and asked me to look after you.

Given Eloise Yap
she was able to send you a message but couldn't even reply to me?

where is she, anyway?

Sabrina Corinne De Jesus
she didn't tell me rin, maybe she feared that i'll relay it to you. basta sinabi niya lang sa'kin na ako na muna sana ang bahala sa'yo.

so where are you anyway? i was so worried about you that i couldn't sleep.

Given Eloise Yap
i'm at tita analie's. dito na muna ako. i'll be her assistant at the adoption center where she's the head.

Sabrina Corinne De Jesus
you're not into kids, given. how can you bear being in a place full of kids?

and also, how about your studies? unless you have your own car there, then it's okay. you just have to make adjustments in the morning.

Given Eloise Yap
i didn't bring a car. i didn't want to bring or see anything that will remind me of my parents.

traveling to and from here is three hours every day but idk, maybe i'll just figure something out.

basta dito muna ako.

kaso tristan knows where i'm at since i told him. he visited the house daw and it was empty so he asked me.

now he's being stubborn saying he'll pick me up tomorrow morning because i can't stay in this lousy town daw. well, where does he want me to stay then? in his house?

Sabrina Corinne De Jesus
you know what, i'd agree with your boyfriend for once.

babe, hindi madali ang changes na kakaharapin mo kung andiyan ka. unless you're planning to switch schools which is gonna be difficult now since we're already in our third year.

if you really wanna move cities or towns, finish college na lang then leave after. kahit hindi ka na magpakita sa'min. that'll be easier than now.

don't you think?

Idrina Rodriguez
her problems are happening in this time of her life, though. what use is moving to another city after college if she doesn't have to deal with the issues she's currently facing during that time anymore?

Sabrina Corinne De Jesus
gising ka pa pala.

Idrina Rodriguez
pauwi na. i ditched a man who wanted to bring me home for the night, lol. 

anyway, i don't think tristan should pick you up from there. manindigan ka sa desisyon mo, giv.

Sabrina Corinne De Jesus
what should she do then? as i've said, unless she's switching schools, it'll be hard for her to adjust.

three hours everyday? to and fro? mamsh she literally has a 7 AM class and that's from monday until wednesday. anong oras naman siya magigising no'n? 3 AM? that is so tiring.

Idrina Rodriguez
switching schools is even tiring. new area, bigger adjustments. and her tita analie's place assignment is such a small town. i doubt they offer interior designing there. they probably have the basic programs only.

people from there are different too. mas mahirap for given. and madodouble ang subjects niya since she'll be an irregular (if ever they do offer interior designing).

and why would tristan control her life? jusko, sino ba siya? he'll let her live sa kanila and then what? probably tell her to stop studying so she can take care of him and his bitchy ass? lol, no thanks. given doesn't deserve any bit of that.

Given Eloise Yap
girls, you really didn't have to argue because of this. it's so petty, huhu.

but i won't be switching schools, sab. i'll go along with waking up at 3 AM rather than switch schools because first off, yes, they don't offer interior designing here. mahihirapan lang ako.

i was just stressed out because of tristan. hindi ko alam ang gagawin para hindi na siya magpumilit na sunduin ako rito bukas.

Idrina Rodriguez
break up, love. he doesn't deserve you at all.

Given Eloise Yap
i don't think i can do that, though. we've been together for so long. i don't think i can get used to not having him in my life.

Idrina Rodriguez
then are you gonna marry him? he doesn't even care about you. he's so self centered. kung makaasta, akala mo walang girlfriend.

i'm telling you, someday down the lane he'll cheat on you and your married life will only be miserable. please, i don't want that to happen to you. you're my best friend, you don't deserve someone as shitty as him.

i'm sorry for my words. i'm probably crossing the line here but really, i just want the best for you and that's definitely not tristan.

please don't become mrs. alonzo in the future. please, given. if you have to be ms. yap forever, then so be it. i will sabotage every wedding you will have if it's with a shitty man, darling. believe me. kahit pa hindi si tristan 'yan.

Sabrina Corinne De Jesus
ba't 'di mo na lang pakasalan? HAHAHAHA you sound like you're in love with her.

Idrina Rodriguez
tanga, i'm straight af HAHAHAHA injection hanap ko, hindi kiskis.

i'm just looking out for my bestfriend because who wouldn't? she's so precious, please. i'm gonna form a protection squad for her already.

Sabrina Corinne De Jesus
pota ka, idrina. stop being too vulgar with us 😭

precious nga si given, kakasabi mo lang tas ganiyan ka magsalita. abnormal ka talaga mamsh.

Idrina Rodriguez
whatever. we need her thoughts on this, anyway.

ano nang desisyon mo niyan, giv?

Given Eloise Yap
gosh, i sometimes wonder why i became friends with someone too vulgar as you 😭

but whatever, i still love you.

regarding your question, itutulog ko na muna. hindi ko na rin alam kung anong iisipin. ang final pa lang sa'kin is that i won't be switching schools. i just don't know how i'll deal with tristan. i'll update you guys later.

thanks for you both, anyway! i love you so much 🥺💗

Sabrina Corinne De Jesus
good midnight, lovie! sleep tight! i hope you'll have a balanced decision when you wake up. good luck! <3

Idrina Rodriguez
sleep well, babe. good midnight! <3

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