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beloved five
7:25 AM

Sabrina Corinne De Jesus
@Given love, you didn't take the bus?

Given Eloise Yap
hi, sabbie koooo. nope, i didn't. why?

Sabrina Corinne De Jesus
i'm here for school early and i saw you walking calmly kanina. also, hindi ka late today.

Given Eloise Yap
nakapagbreakfast pa ako nang maayos, actually.

and 'yong sinakyan ko ay wala maraming stop overs.

Sabrina Corinne De Jesus
did you book a grab? or, uhm... may ganiyan ba sa countryside where you're currently staying?

Given Eloise Yap
no. uhm, i went with a new friend.

chika ko later, lapit na class!

Sabrina Corinne De Jesus
okay. ttyl! 💗

let's have lunch nang magkakasama, all us fiveee.

@Morgan @Yul @Indira

hay, they're still asleep. okay, see you later! i get to decide here. bye.

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