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beloved five
2:44 PM

Morgan Demetrius Valdev
how are you going back home @Given?

you don't have classes anymore, right?

Given Eloise Yap
deme!! yes, wala na akong class and i'll get home by bus, ofc. like everyday.

but i'll get something for the kids muna sa mall so mga 5 na ako uuwi. that's the last trip going back sa town.

Yul Idris Guevarra
i can give you a lift naman, giv. ihahatid na lang kita. wala na akong class by 5. morgan kasi has until 7 pa.

Given Eloise Yap
omg deme pahinga ka after classes ah ☹️

and yullll, it's fine. don't hatid me na. i can manage naman. you'll need to fetch tita maris pa sa work niya.

and it's wed, you have fam dinner.

Yul Idris Guevarra
you're family din naman. they would understand especially since they know about your situation already. they're actually offering a place for you to stay here sa city para less hassle na sa'yo everyday.

Sabrina Corinne De Jesus
we alr talked about that. she doesn't want and i understood her reasons na. you know naman how heavy what happened to their fam.

Given Eloise Yap
yes yul, hehe. i'm fine. i need a breather from being in the city for too long anyway.

and i'm having fun at the center! :) i have kids there and they're so so cute. might ampon them if may money na aq pambuhay sa kanila HAHAHA

Indira Rodriguez
you're so kind, nakakainis na


uy i have an idea 😌

Sabrina Corinne De Jesus

Indira Rodriguez
what if we visit given on sat? we can see the kids din. tinatamad kasi ako, wala namang gagawin on that day.

Morgan Demetrius Valdev
it's a miracle you're not gonna go bar hopping.

Indira Rodriguez
don't even ruin my mood by talking about bar hopping 🙄

basta i'll visit given on sat. edi 'wag kung ayaw niyo. i can drive naman.

Morgan Demetrius Valdev
you talk big for someone who's not good at directions 😆

Given Eloise Yap
they're bickering again, hays

but yeeees, that's a good idea di'ba? visit niyo ako on sat!!! you'll love the kids here, swear.

Sabrina Corinne De Jesus
i'm in because why not? palaging bitin convos ko with given lately :(

@Yul don't tell me you're not going

Yul Idris Guevarra
then i won't tell you
[😡] 1

Sabrina Corinne De Jesus
you're so annoying

@Indira let's gooooo, i can drive

Morgan Demetrius Valdev
you're not going on your own again, sab. you really think yul and i will allow that?

Given Eloise Yap
but yul said he isn't going :(

Morgan Demetrius Valdev
he is. i'm dragging him with me. the girls can't go alone, it's too dangerous.

Indira Rodriguez
hay good heavens, why do we have strict friends? 🙄

Given Eloise Yap
actually grateful for them

mall na 'ko. see you tomorrow! (if we can, huhu)

love you four palagi! 💗
[💗] 2 [❤️] 2

Yul Idris Guevarra
take care, given.

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