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sabbie 🍀
10:44 AM

are you in class?

if you are don't reply na babe. it's fine, chika ko na lang some other time.

i'm not, it's fine. nasa lib lang ako, finishing something.

chika mo na rn kasi i'm almost done na rin naman. just finalizing things and i'll grab something to eat before my 12 PM class.

your profs are so annoying, giving you classes at a time that's supposed to be for lunch.

i know but there's nothing i can do to change that so yeah, ig i'll just have to cooperate.

anyway what's this about?

okay, uhm. here it goes.

di'ba i told you guys about the new friend i have here sa center? the one who drove me to school yesterday?

yes, what about him?

he's so nice.

if you think he's nice, i won't give my comments. you're single naman, go ahead if you're interested.

it's so early for that, come on.

although i really do find him attractive and ayon, super nice nga kasi he made sundo me kahapon sa terminal when i failed to catch the last bus going home. we grabbed dinner together and he sent me here sa center.

and he's here now even though he has no classes kasi he said he'll hatid me na rin daw to school. plus he made me coffee which tasted absolutely heavenly.

but you know that i just broke up with tristan di'ba?

at some point, i feel like this is unfair on his part. i mean, me hanging out with a new guy who he actually thought that was my lover daw that's why i wanted a break up.

if he sees us hanging out together, he might think that i really did cheat on him with this new friend that i have when i haven't done that. i will never cheat on anyone because you know my history naman. i don't like cheaters so why would i become one?

ayon. i just feel like i am cheating on him. i want to keep hanging out with the new guy because babe idk what it is with him that i am able to share my thoughts without hesitating like i always do. and he doesn't deserve naman na iwasan ko just because of my personal issues di'ba?

i'm just really conflicted. idk what to do :(

it feels heavy knowing how tristan will react when he sees me with the new guy.

first of all, i hate that you didn't tell any of us five about you failing to catch the last bus going home yesterday but whatever, it's over anyway. what's important is that you were brought home safely.

second of all, babe, that isn't cheating you're doing. i know tristan and you were in a relationship for five years but it's over now. hindi na kayo and he wasn't good to you anymore during the ending phase of your relationship so whatever he feels whenever he sees you together with the new guy isn't your burden anymore. it shouldn't be.

and he has no right to say you cheated that's why you wanted to end the relationship because he should reflect on his actions. those reasons and behaviors led you to want to clasp free from him. it's not on you anymore. ang bait bait mo pa rin nga even though he was already an asshole di'ba?

please don't cage yourself with that thought. you're fine, okay? don't condemn yourself because no man in his right mind would think that you're still cheating when you've already broken up with your past lover.

it's only cheating when you keep seeing another man while you're STILL in a relationship.

but you aren't, babe. an asshole like tristan doesn't deserve your heart and its loyalty. okay? don't overthink. i love you! thank you for sharing your mind with me today :( it means a lotttt to me.

can i hug you later when i go there na?

ofc, babe. just hit me up. i'll go see you agad.

okay! i love you! thank you so much! 🥺💗

you're welcome my given eloise :) aral na ako ulit.

okie good luck! mwa mwa

thank you! ingat ka papunta here later. mwa!

will do!

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