88 | Letters from Comet

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Comet was chuckling when he approached Given at the cafeteria, who was glaring at him in return. He had to bear with her nagging while they were on the way to school this morning but he thought that it was over the moment he pulled over a roadside flower shop and bought a bouquet for her. Turns out, nagpahinga lang pala ito pero naiirita pa rin sa kaniya.

"You dare laugh?" Given rolled her eyes and munched on her burger. Beside her was the flowers Comet got for her this morning.

"You're still upset at me, miss?" Comet asked, obviously teasing Given.

Actually, he isn't supposed to be here this lunch time because first, rumors will circulate around them. Second, his department is too far away from hers and third, they're supposed to be friends. Hindi naman dapat nagsusuyuan ang lalaki at babae na magkaibigan lang naman. But because it's Given, as per his words, Comet will always be ready for her. Guess that includes being ready to woo her again after making her upset.

"I don't know. Why are you taking this lightly? I feel guilty knowing you had to travel that far just to fetch me this morning and I bet!" Given raised a brow at Comet. "You're planning to send me back, aren't you?"

Comet bit his lower lip, suppressing a smile. Given totally got him.

"Aha! See? Do you think robot ka, Comet? The time you could use to just rest is wasted because of me!" Given whined and stopped eating for a while. She's so mad to continue.

"Who says it's a waste, though?" Comet asked, more to himself than to Given. He knows she'll be madder if she had heard that.

"When are you gonna stop being upset at me, then?" Comet asked instead.

"If you promise to take a rest after classes instead of sending me back to the center, maybe," Given shrugged and continued eating again.

"Fine," Comet breathed a big one. "But I'll drop you off at the terminal. Let me do that for you."

Given smiled and nodded several times. "Dropping me off at the terminal is fine naman na. And promise that you won't show up in front of the Center at 4 in the morning, too."

Comet's brows furrowed as he tilted his head for an obvious question. "Aren't I the owner of the Center?"

"Yeah. And then?" Given fought back, raising her left brow at the man sitting in front of her.

In the end, Comet gave up for he knew that while Given is a big softie and cries at almost everything, she can be a little scary when she's mad or upset too.

"Okay, miss. I won't show up at 4 in the morning."

Defeated Comet picked his own burger up and started eating too, heart filled with genuine joy because of Given's presence this time of the day, when he least expected it.

Letters From Comet Where stories live. Discover now