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beloved five
11:28 PM

Given Eloise Yap
I don't know if I already told you about this guys, but I finally met Mom's lover.

Indira Rodriguez
Oh. Uhm, hi babe. You haven't told us that yet.

Sabrina Corinne De Jesus
Are you okay?

Given Eloise Yap
At first I thought I would be. I mean, my parents' separation hurt me and my sisters but I believed among the three, I was the one who wanted them to be happy with someone else.

I didn't want to give them a hard time by begging them to stay and fix their marriage. If they couldn't be happy with each other's presence, I was fine if they wanted to chase that with some other people.

But meeting Mom's lover was hard.

It's so, so, hard.

I don't know what to do.

Morgan Demetrius Valdev
What happened, Given?

Yul Idris Guevarra
You can tell us anything.

Given Eloise Yap
Comet lost his parents at a young age. Because of that, his father's brother and his wife took him in when he was a kid and basically raised him like their own child since they couldn't have one.

They were happy. Comet grew up happy.

But sometime last year, his Uncle Dad suddenly found a lover and gave his Auntie Mom a hard time causing her death.

His Uncle Dad's lover was my Mom. And now, as you know, she's pregnant with his child.

Indira Rodriguez
What the fuck?

Sabrina Corinne De Jesus
Oh my gosh.

Morgan Demetrius Valdev
What? That can't be, Given.

Given Eloise Yap
I wish I was only making things up, but I am not.

Mom talked to me earlier. She said she'll break up with Comet's Uncle and that it was a mutual decision. She also told me that Dad was to go towards to ask her for a reconciliation before the accident happened.

I should be happy, right? Once Dad wakes up, we'll try fixing our family together.

But what about the child inside Mom's tummy? What's gonna happen to him? He's going to lost a parent for my family to be fixed. It's like he's already made a huge sacrifice even when he's not yet born.

I could go and fix things with Comet but I'll still carry the guilt of breaking apart a family that was supposed to be for my unborn sibling.

And now I don't know what to do.

This is so difficult.

Indira Rodriguez
I'm sorry you had to experience that dilemma, Given :(

Do you want us to come over?

Sabrina Corinne De Jesus
Can we fetch you?

Or do you want to be alone?

Given Eloise Yap
I want the latter :)

I just told you the situation so that you'll be aware if I'll disappear for a while.

Thanks for letting me rant on you guys.

Yul Idris Guevarra
We're just happy that you're able to tell us how you feel inside now. The old times were terrible.

Morgan Demetrius Valdev
Wherever you decide to go and whatever you decide to do, just take care of yourself, okay?

And contact us whenever you need us. We'll be there right away.

Sabrina Corinne De Jesus
Yeah. And babe, talk to Comet. Tell him how you feel. He'll listen to you and maybe, you'll find a way together.

It's gonna be okay, alright?

Love you.

Given Eloise Yap
I need to sort out my thoughts first. Thanks. I love you.
[❤️] 2 [💗] 2

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