Zedpulse Fluff

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Zedaph is currently sitting in his observatory. The stars are beautiful tonight, he thinks. He can't help but smile at the sight as the bright sky reflects the constellations perfectly. He hears the door open, he turns his head to face the door. He sees Impulse standing at the door with two cups of tea. Zedaph's gaze softens as he see's Impulse start walking over to the couch. Zedaph doesn't say anything. He just looks back up at the sky. He hears Impulse put down the mugs on the table in front of him. He looks over to look at Zedaph and he smiles slightly.

"Here." Impulse offers one of the mugs and sits next to Zedaph on the couch, taking a sip from his own cup. They sit there together, not saying anything. They both enjoy each other's company. Impulse takes another sip, closing his eyes. "I think there might be a meteor shower this week." Zedaph mentions. Impulse opens an eye and looks over at Zedaph. "Really? I've never seen one before." Zedaph nods his head slightly. "It happens pretty frequently here."  Impulse hums in response. Impulse notices Zedaphs eyes sparkle slightly. "Impy look at the constellations!" Zedaph exclaims excitedly. Impulse blushes at the nickname Zedaph gave him, but he looks anyway. Its beautiful, there are so many out tonight. Zedaph starts pointing out and naming every constellation that is visible. Impulse can only focus on one star, the brightest one in the universe. The brightest star of all, Zedaph. Nothing shines brighter then him. Impulse has always looked at the stars but he couldn't find it in himself to stop Zedaph from pointing them out. He would do anything for him to keep smiling like that. He didn't realize his hand was already resting on top of Zedaphs. When he is about to pull his hand away Zedaph squeezes his hand softly and continues to point out the constellations. Impulse feels the heat coming off of Zedaphs body and decides to hold on tightly to his hand, hoping that Zedaph won't let go. Impulse lays his head on Zedaph's shoulder and listens to Zedaph ramble on about the stars. Zedaph's voice is warm and calming, like honey. Impulse sighs contently, letting his mind wander. He wonders why Zedaph never told him about this before. Why did he never notice how pretty his voice sounded? Maybe he should have taken more time to admire him. He feels Zedaph shift slightly, feeling his skin getting warm at Impulse's closeness. His cheeks turn pink when he realizes that Impulse had moved closer again. Impulse notices Zedaph flinching ever so slightly and quickly pulls back and removes his hand from Zedaphs. His blush deepens when Zedaph looks at him questioningly. "Are you ok?" Zedaph whispers softly. "Why did you move away..?" Zedaph frowns. "What are you talking about?" Impulse says, looking anywhere except Zedaphs eyes. "Your hand was on mine and.." Zedaph trails off. "...You moved your hand back...It...was so warm." Zedaph blushes. Impulse bites his lip. It felt so nice to have Zedaph hold his hand. Impulse softly slips his hand back into Zedaph's. He lets his thumb trace circles on the back of Zedaphs hand. Zedaph looks up, surprised. Impulse gives Zedaph a small, shy smile and looks down as his cheeks turn pink. Zedaph smiles and gently squeezes Impulse's hand once more.  Impulse goes back to laying his head back down on Zedaph's shoulder and listening to him ramble some more about the constellations. Impulse lets out a sigh of relief. He feels safe holding Zedaphs hand, they were practically cuddling.  Impulse could feel Zedaph's breath against his forehead and he slowly leaned into Zedaph. Impulse didn't want Zedaph to pull away from him. He wanted to stay like this forever.  Zedaph smiled softly at the sight. Impulse was really cute when he was focused on something. Impressively adorable even, when he smiled and everything seemed to melt away. Impulse was beautiful no matter what Zedaph thought. "Impulse..?" Zedaph whispers softly. Impulse looks up at Zedaph.
"Yes Zed?" Impulse whispers softly. Zedaph's cheeks flush even more. How did Impulse always manage to make his heart race? Impulse's head is now resting on Zedaphs chest. Zedaph closes his eyes and enjoys having Impulse so close to him. Zedaph wants nothing more than to run a hand through Impulse's hair. "Can..." Zedaph starts. "Can I kiss you..?" Zedaph asks. There was silence for a moment before Impulse spoke. "Please do." Zedaph closes his eyes and slowly leans forward, brushing his lips against Impulse's. Impulse closes his eyes as he finally closes the gap between them. Impulse reaches up his hand and places it against the side of Zedaphs face as he kisses him back. They break apart for a moment. I'm sure their faces are redder than a tomato right now, but they aren't going to complain because that's exactly how they feel. "Impulse.." Zedaph breaths out. "I...love you." Zedaph whispers. Impulse smiles softly. "And I love you too, Zedaph." Zedaph laughs softly and cuddles Impulse. Impulse puts his hands on top of Zedaphs, pulling him in closer. Zedaph smiles widely. "Thank you for making me fall in love with you." Impulse laughs quietly, leaning his head on Zedaph's shoulder. They don't need to hear words anymore. They're both very content with being held by each other.


MORE FLUFF- I promise there will be more than just fluff ;-; This one is pretty short.

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