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Keralis runs through the alleyways of the village, trying to escape an angry store owner. Keralis just stole a few apples from him. This is because Keralis can't afford food.
Keralis jumps up and hides in a tree.
He hops down into another alley, he spots a job board, and he walks towards it.
The largest flyer has the fanciest largest writing, it says,'PERSONAL GUARD FOR FUTURE KING NEEDED!!! PAY 1500 A WEEK!!'
Keralis smirks and takes the paper. Tomorrow, he is going to that castle.


The next day, Keralis enters the palace gates. A guard holds up a sword.
"Who are you?" The guard frowns.
"Uh- my name is Keralis. I am here to try for the new personal guard job." Keralis shows the flier.
"Ah. Go right in. The training grounds are to the right." The guard points. "And don't let me catch you snooping." He shakes his head and returns back to patrol the sgates.
Keralis smiles brightly and starts walking to the training grounds. He passes some servants and guards. Once he gets the training grounds, he sees the king with another person. He watches as the other person fails to shoot a bow.
The king sighs and sends the guy off.
Keralis walks up. "Hello, Your Majesty." Keralis bows.
"Hm. I suppose you are here for the test. Very well. What is your name?" The king asks.
"My name is Keralis." Keralis smiles sheepishly.
"Ok, your first test. Hit a bullseye on the target." The king hands Keralis a bow and arrow. Keralis takes the bow and aims it. He slowly pulls the string back and releases. The arrow hits the target straight on the bullseye.
The king smiles and claps. "Very good! Now, your second test. Your job is to fight one of my skilled guards. Wels!" The king calls, and Wels walks over.
"You are going to spar one of my knights." The king hands Keralis a sword.
Keralis gulps as Wels draws his sword.
Soon, they start fighting.
Keralis has never fought with a sword before, but he was doing pretty well.
Wels is much better than him, though.
Keralis tries to keep the rhythm of the battle. He doesn’t want to hurt Wels, but he has no choice. So he fights with everything he's got. He dodges, swings, and blocks all of Wels’ attacks and eventually knocks Wels' sword out of his hand.
The king's jaw drops.
Wels smiles and picks up his sword.
"You got some talent, kid." Wels smiles more. "Good luck on getting this job!" Wels goes back to patrol.
The king walks over.
"My goodness. You have definitely proven yourself. Now come, you must meet the prince if you're going to protect him." The king leads Keralis upstairs into the castle.

"Xb! Your new guard is here!" the king calls.
Footsteps approach them.
Keralis sees a gorgeous man with fluffy brown hair, blue eyes, and blue scales freckling his face and arms. He has his crown slightly tilted on his head.
"Hello there." Xb smiles at Keralis. "I'm Xb, Prince Xb." He extends his hand out. Keralis bows instead of shaking Xb's hand.
Xb laughs.
"Stand straight and shake my hand." Xb smiles, amused.
Keralis stands up straight and shakes Xb's hand.
"Oh, you're so tall. I bet you'll be a really strong knight." Xb giggles and winks at Keralis. Keralis feels his cheeks warm up.
"Xb stop flirting with the new guard." The king sighs and leaves the two alone.

"Whats your name?" Xb grins.
"My name is Keralis. Your highness." Keralis bows.
Xb chuckles. "Come. Follow me to my room."
Xb leads Keralis to a beautiful room. There is a large bed covered with red velvet sheets, and there are pillows littered about the room as well. Keralis notices a bookshelf next to a window.
"Make yourself comfortable," Xb grins.
"Thank you." Keralis says and stands awkwardly in the corner.
"I said comfortable, not awkward." Xb sighs and pushes Keralis onto a sofa. "Relax."
Keralis sighs and sits stiffly on the sofa. Xb giggles and joins him.
"So why did you want to protect the prince hm~?" Xb raises an eyebrow.
"Do you want me to be honest, or should I sugar coat it?" Keralis asks.
"Be honest with me, Keralis." Xb leans into the couch.
"I needed the money. To ya know, survive." Keralis answers plainly.
"That's understandable. It's very hard to get jobs around here. I've been trying to make the employers loosen up a bit." Xb smiles.
Keralis smiles back.

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