Ethdubs(based on teenage dirtbag >:>)

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Etho wouldn't say he was the most popular kid in school. Even that would be an understatement. Etho is not popular at all. He has his small group of friends, and that's all he really needs. Until he met him.
His name is Bdubs, and they have gym class together. They have only talked like twice before, but Etho couldn't help but fall for Bdubs' charismatic smile and the confidence he carries himself with. Bdubs is one of the most popular kids in the school, everyone knows him. He's kind, handsome, popular, and a complete catch. Unfortunately, this Bdubs is already taken. His boyfriend is an absolute jerk. His name is Scar, the captain of the football team.
He doesn't seem to get how Bdubs likes him, Scar is always pushing him to the side and always ignoring him when with his other friends. But Bdubs always keeps a smile on his face no matter what, and Etho admires that.
Etho knows if he tried to talk to Bdubs, Scar would have a problem with it. So Etho does not even try. He just keeps his distance.


"I have gym in half an hour." Etho sighs as he looks at his best friend Beef.
"I have physics. Which is 100% worse than gym Etho" Beef groans as he solves the last problem of his math work.
"I would rather be there with you than in the same room as my crush and his boyfriend," Etho squints at Beef.
Beef laughs and pats Etho on the back. "Good luck, Etho." Beef grins.

When Etho arrives to gym he places his bag in his gym locker. He hears a loud clank. He turns his head to see Bdubs getting yelled at by Scar for some dumb reason.
Etho watched for a good 2 minutes until he finally had the courage to step in.
"Hey! Leave him alone!" Etho says as he steps in between Scar and Bdubs. He towers over Scar, but Scar is much more built than he is.
"Who the hell are you?" Scar asks angrily.
"My name is Etho," Etho replies simply.
"Whatever. Get out of the way. This is none of your business." Scar scoffs.
Etho raises an eyebrow. "Maybe if you were a little bit nicer to your boyfriend, I wouldn't have to step in." Etho says, keeping eye contact with Scar.
The two of them stand there, glaring at each other. Bdubs steps out from behind Etho.
"Scar...can we just go? Your friends are waiting." Bdubs says quietly. He glances at Etho, who immediately gives up the glare towards Scar and looks away sheepishly.
"Fine." Scar says, wraps an arm around Bdubs, and walks out of the locker room with Bdubs.
Etho sighs and goes back to getting into his gym uniform.

After gym class is done, he sees Bdubs approach him.
"Uh..your Etho.. right?" Bdubs whispers.
Etho looks at Bdubs.
"Uh yeah, that's me. What's up..?" Etho asks nervously.
"All I wanted to say was thank you...for standing up for me. You did not have to do that." Bdubs whispers.
Etho smiles softly. "Don't worry about it. You should probably get going, don't want to keep Scar waiting, do you..?" Etho laughs nervously.
"Yeah..yeah you're right. Bye..." Bdubs mumbles and leaves the locker room. Etho sighs and bangs his head into the locker.


"Etho? Are you ok? You have been lying on the floor for 20 minutes." Beef laughs as he sets up his drum set. Etho sits up groggily and explains to Beef what happened in gym.
Beef's jaw drops.
"You stood up- against Scar?!" Beef practically shouts. He pauses and looks at Etho, who nods shyly. Beef stands and pats him gently on the shoulder. "That was so brave, Etho." Beef grins. "Now get up, we have a song to write." Beef grins. "We can even write it about Bdubs if you want." Beef wiggles his eyebrows, and Etho rolls his eyes but laughs. "Why not?"

After the music was finished, it was Etho's turn to write the lyrics.
He starts singing it softly under his breath.
"His name is Bdubs, I have a dream about him. He rings my bell." Etho smiles. "I got gym class in half an hour. Oh, how he rocks. In Keds and tube socks, but he doesn't know who I am, and he doesn't give a damn about me."
Beef listens to Etho sing with a smile.
"Here let me help with the chorus." Beef grabs a pen and grins.

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